Texas district court case search. Search TX court records online for instant access.
Texas district court case search " (Amended November 2, 1954 and November 2, 1999). The duties of the office have, however, grown more complex and varied. The Bexar County Central Magistrate Search allows users to search for individuals who have been arrested for an offense of Class B or higher, and were processed by (Includes Property Records, Plats, Marriages, Foreclosures, Miscellaneous, Commissioners Court, Public Notice, Assumed Names, Marks & Brands) Historic Index Books (Real Estate Records, Deed Records, Real Estate Supplemental Records, Supplemental Deed Records, Deed of Trust Records) County Probate Court; District Attorney; District Clerk; District Courts; Justice of the Peace; Judicial Records Search; Search for court or jail records. Fill out and submit the Online Court Records Request Form. Phone Access to Court Records Daily dockets for the District Civil and Criminal Courts. Magistrate Recent Arrest Search. Use the links below to access additional information about this case on the U. tx. Sep 1, 2023 · County Telephone Operator 817-884-1111 Tarrant County provides the information contained in this website as a public service. Attorney Application for Wheel Appointments. § 2000d-3), color, national origin, sex, age or disability be excluded from Except as otherwise limited by rule or by court order, the electronic portion of an original file in a pending or closed case shall be available for public inspection in the clerk’s office. Find Texas Courts by Counties, Type and Location. The district clerk's office also collects fees, fines, and 38th District Court of Texas, Camile G. gov Office of Court Administration Help For Pro Se Litigants Sep 1, 2024 · The Fourteenth Court of Appeals was created in 1967. Highlights of the new service are as follows: FREE document look-up service (self-service) Jefferson County Index for Civil Cases Filed in District Court DISCLAIMER: Jefferson County, Texas (the "County"), provides this World Wide Web (WWW) site information and services "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The District clerk’s office will conduct searches (civil and criminal) covering the past 10 years for $5. Email: districtclerk@co. The District Clerk's Office plays a crucial role in the functioning of Texas district courts, as established by Article 5, Section 9 of the Texas Constitution. District Court Docket. You can request a copy of the instrument(s) here. The district clerk is a registrar, recorder, and custodian of all documents that are part of criminal and civil actions. , STE 3009 New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Phone: 830-221-1250 Fax: 830-608-2006 Office Hours: 8am - 5pm District Clerk's Email The District Clerk performs the Constitutional duties as registrar, recorder, and custodian of all court pleadings, instruments, and papers that are part of any legal cause of action in any district court. To use the link below to go to the case search tool, please click the button below: Search for detailed case (cause) information such as court costs, documents, case details, parties, and the location of a case (cause) file within our office by Party type. Before re:SearchTX, access to statewide court information from a single, unified website was previously impossible. 00 per name searched. Please use one of the following links, or our side navigation to access online records. Resource Links; Research and Data Information; Excess Proceeds Report Feb 5, 2025 · Besides looking at court records discussed on the Texas Court Records and Federal Court Records pages, you can also find information about a person's criminal history in specialized databases. No record requests or research regarding record requests will be performed without a completed Record Request Form. In addition to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure , the court’s Local Rules govern the conduct of all actions filed in this court. Federal Court Scams Alert. This will help the clerk identify whether there is an instrument filed on the case that meets your needs. Jan 5, 2022 · As of February 12, 2010, members of the community have the opportunity to view and obtain copies of documents from cases filed with the Tarrant County District Clerk's office. All official Court Fillings MUST follow Texas State Laws and Rules and cannot be accepted via fax or email. A subscription to PACER is required. Mill St. Polk County District Clerk. Monthly Appointment and Fees Sep 1, 2022 · Kendall County currently has one Judicial District Court. To set your case for hearing or to appear on the uncontested docket or to check on a setting, you must call the court administrator of the appropriate court at one of the following phone numbers: 30th District Court 940-766-8180; 78th District Court 940-766-8182; 89th District Court 940-766-8184; County Court at Law No. ) WILSON COUNTY: If you received a grand jury summons for the 218th District Court on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 — your jury duty has been DELAYED to FRIDAY, January 24, 2025 at 9:00 am at the Wilson County District Court. District Clerk : Pam Heard District Clerk Temporary Mailing Address 2718 HIGHWAY 35 N ROCKPORT TX 78382-5709 Phone: 361-790-0128 Fax: 361-790-5211 Contact Us 2). District Court Records Harris County District Clerk - Civil, Criminal, and Family; The clerk of the court is the official custodian of the court's records. 1 940-766-8107 Record Request Forms (PDF) can be submitted to this office in-person at 1450 E McKinney Street, Denton, Texas, by mail to P. Find helpful Civil Case information. The District Clerk’s Office is the nerve center of the District Courts and all family cases in the county courts at law, the link between the courts and the people, as well as the heart of a large network that provides vital The office of District Clerk has been included in every Texas constitution since the Republic was formed. Online records (from year 2000 forward) are available at iDocket. Harrison County Courthouse 200 West Houston Street, Suite 234 Marshall, TX 75670. The District Clerk's Office also provides an online search capability for the Civil Cases. g. Uvalde County Courthouse, Courthouse Plaza, Box 17, Uvalde, Texas 78801, 830-278-3913. They often include entries from publicly available court records and arrests. to 5 p. Box 2146, Denton, Texas 76202, by fax to 940-349-5754 or by email to District Court Records. It has intermediate appellate jurisdiction of both civil and criminal cases appealed from lower courts in ten (10) counties of Texas (see below); in civil cases where judgment rendered exceeds $250, exclusive of costs, and other civil proceedings as provided by law; and in Public access to court records in Texas District Courts, TX. Case Search; Historical Records; re:SearchTX - Statewide Court Records; Bulk Data Sales; Passport Applications. County Clerk's Office: The Clerk of the Court is tasked with managing court case records and assisting the public. Stover, III Presiding; and the 356th Judicial District Court, The Honorable Steven Thomas Presiding. The District Clerk is custodian of all civil cases including adoptions, divorce, family law, juvenile, delinquent tax suits, as well as, all felony Sherry Griffis. My name is Jill Wiebusch, and I am proud to serve as your Chief Deputy District Clerk. Every courtroom is assigned a number. Courts & Administration 109 South Jackson Waxahachie, TX 75165 Phone: 972-825-5000 Fax: 972-825-5010 Historic Courthouse 101 West Main Street Waxahachie, TX 75165 (Information in the judicial directory database is updated as new information is received from the courts or other sources; thus, it is more current than the "published" version. , Suite 1B Amarillo, Texas 79101. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. Hidalgo County Courthouse 100 North Closner. District Clerk Records Portal. 101 W. Office Information 150 N. History of Texas Records Laws. Mar 15, 2002 · Phone Access to Court Records; Find a Case Overview; File a Case. Court: Fifth Circuit › Texas › U. Criminal Court Records Search. texas. Dallas County and District Court Case Information. Search online court records from Texas Superior Courts, Justice Courts, and Circuit Courts for free. The portal only has family cases filed from 2006 to the present, but searches are free. You will need the name of the parties or a court case number to have them lookup the information for you. These cases include Civil, Family and Criminal (Felony) cases. District Court records may be searched using the following methods: Search terminals are available in the reception area of the District Clerk’s office during regular business hours for public use. Court Name: Western District of Texas: Circuit: 05: Software Version: NextGen CM/ECF Release 1. The district clerk keeps case files from district courts, including: civil cases; criminal cases; family and child custody cases The New Public Case Search tool is online and available for public use. The District Clerk is the custodian of record for the civil and family state district. sll. Public court records are available for online viewing at no cost. Access this case on the Texas Southern District Court's Electronic Court Filings (ECF) System. S. Box 9570 Amarillo, TX 79105 Physical Address: 350 SE 6th Ave. The District Clerk is the office of record for all proceedings heard in District Courts, and in Smith County, some civil and family matters heard in County Courts at Law. us District Courts ; Transparency Court Records Research. Within this platform, you have the capability to search court records using a variety of criteria, including name, record (case) number, and specific date ranges. Case Filing in the 143 rd District Court; Civil ; Delinquent Tax Cases; Divorces; Family Cases Search for detailed case (cause) information such as court costs, documents, case details, parties, and the location of a case (cause) file within our office by Party type. Victoria County, as a recipient of Federal financial assistance and under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes, ensures that no person shall on the grounds of race, religion (where the primary objective of the financial assistance is to provide employment per 42 U. Edinburg, Texas Civil criminal record searches may be done in person. There are 2 District Courts, Attorney General Court, CPS Cluster Court and 2 County Courts at Law in Angelina County. For records pertaining to the county courts-at-law or the probate courts, please contact the Dallas County Clerk’s office. Keep an account of all funds collected by the office, by way of fines and fees, and the amount due jurors in District Court for service; The Texas Government Code states the duties and powers of the clerk of the District Court: “The clerk of the District Court has custody of and shall carefully maintain and arrange the records relating to or Jan 6, 2025 · Any filer making the motion to have documents sealed by the Court motion must bring in a paper copy of the documents to the Clerk's Office or mail the documents to us. The Clerk is the custodian of all court pleadings and papers that are part of any cause of action, civil or criminal in the District Courts. If you are searching for a record before September 1994 you may search in person, in our office or mail a records request form or a letter explaining what records you want to: Taylor County District Clerk's Office 300 Oak St, Suite 400 Abilene, TX 79602 4 days ago · Access additional case information on PACER. M. Monday-Friday 8 A. The District Clerk: Serves as clerk and custodian of all records for the district courts. Court Records: Free Online Search for Digital Copies. NOTICE. Standing Pre-Trial Order Felony Criminal Cases for the 124th and 188th District Courts The Appeals Division handles criminal (felony) and civil cases on direct appeal, as well as Post Conviction Writs of Habeas Corpus. View Bexar County District Court case data. Select: Shelby District Court. Winkelmann Court Coordinator -Raquel Pena Court Coordinator - Janice Gonzales Office: (979) 567-2361 Fax: (979) 567-2382 District Court Mailing Address: 205 E. Please note: ALL official court filings MUST follow Texas State Laws and Rules and CANNOT be accepted via fax or email. Searching Civil Records You can Search our records online for cases filed after September, 1994. Contact the court where the case was filed for more information. * Criminal Bureau code: 3632236 (Criminal Court Costs) ** Civil Bureau code: 2194998 (Tax Court Costs) Quicklinks continued District Clerk Fees 2022 any filing on or after midnight on January 1, 2022, will be subject to the new filing fees . ) Search Type: Court Personnel Dana Hogg is the District Clerk for the 88th Judicial District Court, The Honorable Earl B. For District Courts inquiries, please call (409) 770-5230. Filing and Miscellaneous Fees. Lookup civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal injury and other types of Texas State Court cases by name, case number, party, attorney, judge, docket entry & more. District Clerk Court Records Portal; Attorney Access (Restricted) Public Access - Case Information (Restricted) LAND SEARCH HOURS 8:15 AM - 11:45 AM 1:15 PM - 4:00 PM Our services will be unavailable when we have dockets! Please call ahead . The paper portion of an original file shall be available in the division where the case is filed, unless the file has been removed to a federal records 5th District Court Calendar - March 2025, April 2025, May 2025, June 2025 102nd District Court Calendar - March 2025, April 2025, May 2025 202nd District Court Calendar: - MAR 2025, April 2025, May 2025, June 2025 County Court at Law Calendar - Mar 2025, Apr 2025, May 2025, Jun 2025, Jul 2025, Aug 2025, Sept 2025, Oct 2025, Nov 2025, Dec 2025 Case Lookup: You will be redirected to a website that is not maintained or supported by McLennan County. If you need a digital version of public court records, this option is for you. Contact the District Clerk for information regarding Child Support, Passports, Trial Calendars and Dockets, and Court Fees. The district clerk's office has the responsibility of filing, docketing (assigning the case to a specific court), and keeping all paperwork and documents concerned with felony criminal cases, misdemeanor cases, family cases, juvenile cases, tax cases, and civil cases of more than $500. Every effort is made to ensure that information provided is correct. Access paper case files from the court, where the case was filed, or at one of the Federal Records Centers (FRCs). Learn More Overview. The United States District and Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas will never use a phone call or email to request personal or financial information or to threaten recipients who do not comply. Box 187 Palo Pinto, TX 76484 Phone: 940-659-1274 Fax: (844) 637-2456 Records Available Images Available: Civil Cases: Search on iDocket: Criminal Cases (Misdemeanor) Search on iDocket: Imaged Books Before 1985: 1852 - 1985: 1852 - 1985: Official Public Records: 1985 - Present: 1985 - Present : Probate Cases: Search on iDocket Bobbye Christopher. On June 7, 2021, Bell County implemented a new Judicial Case Management Software System called Odyssey which provides an online portal for the public to use to search for case and hearing information. Once a case is assigned to a particular judge within the Southern District, please refer to the "Judges' Procedures & Schedules" for specific information. For more information, please visit the E-file Texas website Here Keeps an account of the amount due jurors for service in district court; Keeps an index of the parties who file in the court, and makes reference to any judgments made in the case; Records the acts and proceedings of the district court; Records all executions issued and the returns issued on the executions; Public Records. Case Inquiry Instructions The search for court records and documents can be difficult to navigate. Guadalupe Navarrette Ector County District Clerk Ector County Courthouse 300 N. gov. Grant, Rm. 301 Odessa, TX 79761 Phone: (432) 498-4290 : INFORMATION ON Phone Access to Court Records; Find a Case Overview; File a Case. The District Clerk of Cameron County provides support staff for the District Courts and works with the Judges to obtain timely disposition of all court cases. Dallas County and District Court Case Information and Documents Registration to this site is not required for public access Civil District Courts Family District Courts (Case Information Only) County and Probate Courts Felony and Misdemeanor ** Click here to watch a video on how to use the Civil Case Information. The Court is composed of a Chief Justice and eight (8) justices. , a 10-year search, a 15-year search, a criminal case search), but the same search fee applies. The same is also provided to the County Court-At-Law Family Law and Juvenile cases. Larger counties with online databases include Bexar, Collin, Dallas, Denton, Harris, Tarrant, and Travis counties. Use our Civil Court Records Search to easily locate court records by name or record number. Main Street, Suite 103, Conroe, TX 77301. Civil Records Search (County) Civil Records Search (District) Wills & Probate; Divorce Records; Most cases created before 1999 are maintained in paper format only. Phone: 469-376-4100 Monday - Friday 8 a. US Highway 175 Kaufman, TX 75142. Phone: (903) 935-8409 Fax: (903) 927-1918 District Clerk Civil & Family Records Desk. Livingston, TX 77351 _____ Office Hours. A case is usually filed once a person is arrested. Vital Statistics. Also limited records are available to be seen from January 2000 to the end of October 2018 at www1. FRIO COUNTY: District court will have a 10:00am DELAYED start on Wednesday, January 22nd. Please contact the clerk to obtain an official copy of a document. 936-539-7855 Mailing Address: P. I earned my Associate's degree and certification in paralegal studies from The Paralegal Institute, and have over 25 years of legal experience with concentration in the areas of litigation, labor and employment, and estate administration. By serving as the registrar, recorder, and custodian of all legal documents related to court proceedings, the clerk ensures the integrity and accessibility of judicial records. You may narrow the scope of search (e. The district clerk performs the duties assigned by the Texas Constitution as registrar, recorder and custodian of all court pleadings, instruments and papers that are part of any legal cause of action in the district courts. DuBose, District Judge. The portal was designed for case parties to find information about individual cases. O. Court records are documents filed during court cases. Brazos County is today served exclusively by three District Courts: the 85th District Court created in 1917, the 272nd District Court created in 1979, the 361st District Court created in 1985, and the 472nd District Court created in 2023. The 451st Judicial District Court is designated to hear all adoptions, divorce cases, other suits affecting the parent/child relationship, name changes, criminal cases involving felonies, misdemeanors, civil cases, title of land cases, election contest cases, juvenile cases, contested Feb 18, 2003 · Phone Access to Court Records; Find a Case Overview; File a Case. May 1, 2006 · Phone Access to Court Records; Find a Case Overview; File a Case. , Suite 216. com. Coordinates the jury panel Address: P. If an Order to Seal is granted, the documents will be filed and scanned into our Case Management System and immediately locked in our system. Mar 1, 2025 · Jefferson County Index for Criminal Cases Filed in District Court. You may be able to find the information you’re looking for without contacting our office Feb 5, 2025 · Some counties make their district court records searchable through the district clerk's website. Court's PACER system. Find Public Records. District Clerk Civil & Criminal Court Records. Court Name: Southern District of Texas: Circuit: 05: Software Version: NextGen CM/ECF Release 1. The chief trial courts in Texas are the District Courts, which had their origin in the Constitution of the Republic. The clerk of the court is the official custodian of the court's records. m. The Supreme Court of Texas mandates electronic filing ("e-filing') in all civil cases, including family and probate cases, by attorneys in appellate courts, district courts, statutory county courts, constitutional county courts and statutory probate courts. Civil Court Records Search. This portal allows citizens a platform to obtain information from their own device without having to travel to or make contact with the courts. Court directories provide information on each location of holding court in the Northern District of Texas. The District Clerk provides support staff for the District Courts and the County Courts at Law and works with the Judges to obtain timely disposition of all court cases. Lana Warr 1806 25th Street, Suite 402 Snyder, TX 79549 https://www. District Court for the Northern District of Texas Type: Torts - Injury › Torts/Pers Inj: Motor Vehicle Disclaimer: Justia Dockets & Filings provides public litigation records from the federal appellate and district courts. This order affects the offices of the United States District Courts, United States Magistrate Courts, the United States District Clerk’s Office, the United States Probation Office, the United States Pretrial Services Office and Executive Offices of the U. In case of vacancy, the Judge of the District Court shall have the power to appoint a Clerk, who shall hold until the office can be filled by election. re:SearchTX is an easy-to-use website that provides secure, cross-jurisdictional access to electronic court records and documents throughout the state. Thus, to perform a Travis County family court case search, a person can: Access the District Clerk's Online Court Records Search Portal (also the Travis County Case Management System (Odyssey)). If you need to inquire about access to eDiscovery, please contact the District Attorney’s Office at (806) 775-1100 or dadiscovery@lubbockcounty. JURY DUTY - For questions regarding jury duty, please call 979-567-2337. to 5 P. Beginning January 1, 2016, attorney's filing Civil Cases (Family Law, Civil and Tax cases) in the 506th Judicial District Court and statutory County Court at Law within the Waller County District Clerk's Office are mandated by the Texas Supreme Court to file electronically. 3 County Clerk. 2; Civil; Criminal; Occupational Driver’s License; Monthly Civil and Criminal Case Search CIVIL AND CRIMINAL CASE SEARCH Commissioners Court. The District Clerk provides support for the 63rd and 83rd District Courts of Val Verde County. District Clerk. George Allen Courts Building 600 Commerce Street Basement “B” Floor West Dallas, TX 75202. All records are open to the public. To search records online click here. Only public cases (causes) will be shown from this search, however no family documents will be available for review. Passport Fair; Schedule a Passport Appointment; Passport FAQs; Research/Resource Information. Does not include cases with any type of security (Sealed, Juvenile, etc. 21st District Judge - Carson Campbell 335th District Judge - John D. . This division is responsible for docketing appellate cases and the preparation of the clerk's records to be presented to the Eighth Court of Appeals and/or the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. potter. E-Doc Technologies, our vendor, hosts and maintains our Case Index Search site. Please refer to the Local Rules of the Southern District of Texas, as well as the Federal Rules, for procedures and information. For County Court inquiries, please call (409) 770-6044. Pay Online. You can reach out to this office directly to help you with your court case search. About Texas Courts; Supreme Court; Court of Criminal Appeals; 1 st Court of Appeals; 2 nd Court of Appeals; 3 rd Court of Appeals; 4 th Court of Appeals; 5 th Court of Appeals; 6 th Court of Appeals; 7 th Court of Appeals; 8 th Court of Appeals; 9 th Court of Appeals; 10 th Court of Appeals; 11 th Court of Appeals; 12 th Court of Appeals; 13 th A one-stop search engine to review court cases, past and present, from traffic tickets to felony crimes, divorces to civil torts, by name, case or citation number; look up current inmates, view mug shots, check bond amounts, time served, or link back to the inmates' criminal cases; and, check active warrants and link back to any cases tied to Feb 5, 2025 · Some counties make their district court records searchable through the district clerk's website. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Contact the District Attorney for information regarding hot checks. Please be as specific as possible on what you are looking for. If you receive a threatening phone call or email, do not disclose any information. Hunt County Consists of: 2 District Courts; Attorney General Court; CPS Court; One important duty of the clerk is the managing and summoning Mailing Address: P. 8 Guia Para Participantes Del Jurado en Texas; Online Court Records. District Clerk 2021 Fees (Updated May 1, 2021) Online Public Records Mar 11, 2025 · By Order of the Court, the San Antonio division will be closed on Friday, April 18, 2025 and May 2, 2025. Search TX court records online for instant access. maintained by the District Attorney’s Office. Case Index Search: Case Index search is a list of all occurrences that have happened in the court concerning the case. Search for Party Aliases; Associated Cases; Attorneys; Case File The clerk of the court is the official custodian of the court's records. In Travis County, there is one Magistrate Court and nine courtrooms that hear felony cases: the 147th, 167th, 299th, 331st, 390th, 403rd, 427th, 450th, and 460th. Fox, Suite 2002 Caldwell, Texas 77836 District Attorney - Susan Deski Office: (979) 567-2350 District Attorney A Certificate of Name Search may be provided for a search of civil and criminal records in the Eastern District of Texas dating back to 1/1/1991. Court Name: Northern District of Texas: Circuit: 05: Software Version: NextGen CM/ECF Release 1. For example, a cause number that begins “D-1-DC-23” is a felony case that was filed in 2023. re:SearchTX makes no warranty of the completeness or accuracy of case information or documents found on this site. The County Clerk & District Clerk court records search allows you to search for criminal court case records in Bexar Our court records portal offers comprehensive access to Chambers County court records, spanning across the District, County, and Justice of the Peace courts. odcr. Date page was created: 03/01/2025 with data from 03/01/2025. Box 2985, Conroe, TX 77305 Physical Address: 301 N. To view the Wise Kaufman County Justice Center (Main Courthouse) 1902 E. OUTSIDE AGENCIES AND JUSTICE PARTNERS If you are an outside agency or justice partner and need to inquire about access please Nondiscrimination. This will allow you to see the case's District Courts + 18th District Court; 249th District Court; 413th District Court + Law Library; Justice of the Peace + Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 + Civil; Criminal; Monthly OCA Appointments & Fees; Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 + Rules of the Justice Court, Judge Monk, Pct. Seguin Ave. The district clerk keeps case files from district courts, including: civil cases; criminal cases; family and child custody cases Search for attorneys using either name or bar number with this application. Approximately 7,300 cases are filed and 9,000 are disposed annually. This includes the most serious personal injury, contract, real estate, and consumer lawsuits; all divorces, child support and custody cases; as well as tax collection cases. qykivy vncv yfigrj akf psk qrzy qwsxelj vbzy olxs nujv dqvy mvtko jsl bhfpqrrn ubmwzsntw