Simplelogin proton nom@proton. Apr 10, 2023 · 概要#. Official subreddit for Proton Mail, Proton Mail Bridge, and Proton Calendar. But if you have enabled forwarding with PGP, then this won't be leaking much info. read more →. I have Mail Plus and a separate SimpleLogin subscription (unlimited aliases) as well. Don't have an account? Create one for FREE. The two subscriptions are now consistent: Pass Plus will include SimpleLogin Premium, and SimpleLogin Premium now includes Pass Plus. We make it easy to generate an email alias anytime you don’t want to disclose your real email address. SimpleLogin depends on your support to keep the service running and develop new features. Learn how to create a SimpleLogin account using your Proton Account Apr 8, 2022 · Dans les mois à venir, nous intégrerons mieux la fonctionnalité de SimpleLogin dans Proton Mail, ce qui signifie que la communauté Proton pourra masquer ses adresses e-mail en utilisant SimpleLogin. Once thats done go to https://app. SimpleLogin is now part of the Proton family. Support; Proton Account; Create account; How to create a free email account. SimpleLogin est une solution open source d'alias d'adresse e-mail qui protège votre adresse e-mail. If you have an Unlimited, Business and Visionary plan in Proton, your SimpleLogin account will be automatically upgraded. SimpleLogin è un prodotto di SimpleLogin SAS, registrato in Francia con il numero SIREN 884302134. SimpleLogin SAS es parte de Proton AG. SimpleLogin SAS fa parte di Proton AG. Proton Calendar is an encrypted calendar app that helps you stay on top of your agenda while keeping your data private. SimpleLogin est le produit de la société SimpleLogin SAS, enregistrée en France sous le numéro SIREN 884302134. me per Facebook, nome+groupon@proton. We recommend using a Proton Mail address Exactly this. nom+facebook@proton. . Nov 14, 2024 · To create a smoother experience, a Pass Plus subscription now includes SimpleLogin Premium, allowing everyone with a Pass Plus plan to benefit from SimpleLogin’s advanced aliases features. No one should be traceable online. At the beginning of 2022, SimpleLogin joined Proton, a Swiss privacy company best known for Proton Mail (the world’s largest encrypted email service) and Proton VPN (one of the world’s largest VPN services). Vergleich von kostenlosen und kostenpflichtigen Abos und Preisen für verschlüsselte E-Mail-, Kalender-, VPN- und Drive-Dienste für Personen und Unternehmen. i will upgrade again if proton will offer an unlimited plan for a couple that can share drive. Pro because for those services that reject simplelogin, proton alias wouldn't be because its treated as "real" address. I use SimpleLogin to get around Proton's 15 emails per user limit in order to be able to create unique email address for each and every account I sign up for. Jan 14, 2025 · SimpleLoginは、匿名メールエイリアスを作成することで、ユーザーのプライバシーを保護するサービスですが、暗号メールを提供するProtonグループに買収されたことにより、より利便性が高まったと言 Official subreddit for Proton Mail, Proton Mail Bridge, and Proton Calendar. They can't differentiate between an actual inbox or an alias because the domain the @proton. exmaple proton: mail. Si vous utilisez déjà SimpleLogin avec Proton Mail, les choses continueront de fonctionner comme avant. g. Protect your email address with email ALIAS. This is great news because we recommend both ProtonVPN and ProtonMail. If you prefer checking your emails on the go, here’s how you can log in using the Proton Mail mobile app: Download the Proton Mail App Proton own alias is limited in numbers and features, some people might need more than whatever alias count it gives. me, puedes crear rápidamente otra dirección como nombre+facebook@proton. However, it still shows up as "Free Trial" (10 alias limit). Originally, I thought it be a simple workaround for Proton's limitations. me », vous pouvez par exemple créer une adresse comme « prenom. now,im subscribed with proton mail plus and simplelogin premium. Oct 9, 2024 · Son is the Founder of SimpleLogin, which he continues to work on, along with Proton Pass. Anche se comodo, ha alcuni difetti: - Non puoi inviare email dall'indirizzo con il "+": la tua vera email sarà mostrata come mittente. Cela vous permet de créer de nouvelles adresses e-mail en ajoutant le signe « + » à votre adresse e-mail. Son graduated from Ecole Polytechnique with an MSc in computer science and was a gold medalist at the International Mathematical Olympiad. Nov 7, 2024 · These features are available in SimpleLogin, an open source email alias solution owned by Proton and which provides the email aliases function in Proton Pass. Hi Proton Team, As a Unlimited user, I am really enjoying the Proton Ecosystem and having my data e2ee. To better secure your SimpleLogin account, you can enable 2FA with TOTP and/or WebAuthn (FIDO). com SimpleLogin by Proton is an open-source email alias solution to protect your email address from spam and more. How to create a SimpleLogin account using a Proton Account. However, it looks like ProtonPass Official subreddit for Proton Mail, Proton Mail Bridge, and Proton Calendar. Find out how to set up SimpleLogin using your Proton Account. Create a different email alias for each website. Nov 14, 2024 · The lifetime offer is part of the Proton 2024 end-of-year sale, which ends December 3 and offers big savings on Proton Mail, Proton VPN, Proton Pass, and Proton Drive. Proton Mail was released as a public beta on 16 May 2014 [6] as an end-to-end encrypted email service after a year of crowdfunding, by a group of scientists who met at CERN. April 8, 2022 - Reading time: 4 minutes SimpleLogin es una solución de código abierto de alias de correo que protege su dirección de correo. Use an email alias when: - subscribing to a newsletter - signing up for a new account - giving your email to someone you don't trust. Proton a déclaré que SimpleLogin continuera à fonctionner comme un service autonome et que l'équipe SimpleLogin continuera d'ajouter de Apr 8, 2022 · SimpleLogin wird weiterhin als separater Dienst funktionieren, und das SimpleLogin-Team wird weiterhin an neuen Funktionen arbeiten und Funktionalitäten hinzufügen, aber nun mit dem Vorteil der Infrastruktur und Sicherheitstechnik von Proton. r/SimpleLogin is the official SimpleLogin subreddit, moderated by SimpleLogin and Proton employees as well as affiliated volunteers. I just want proton to integrate simplelogin bit more closely than it currently is. Digamos que su dirección es nombre@proton. me para Facebook, nombre+groupon@proton. me, puoi facilmente creare un altro indirizzo email come nome+facebook@proton. In addition to logging in on a computer, Proton Mail also offers a mobile app for both iOS and Android. Nov 19, 2024 · Proton Pass is a password manager created as a collaboration between SimpleLogin and Proton. Custom domain not added to simplelogin is the only way, ie using catchall on any mail provider including proton. We do not use your data, track you or show you ads. Create a free email account with Proton Mail, the world’s most popular encrypted email Apr 8, 2022 · Cosa significa questo per gli utenti di Proton e SimpleLogin? Nei prossimi mesi, integreremo meglio la funzionalità di SimpleLogin in Proton Mail, il che significa che la comunità di Proton potrà nascondere i propri indirizzi email utilizzando SimpleLogin. So in proton I might have mydomain. me » pour votre compte Facebook ou « prenom. Digamos que tu dirección es nombre@proton. simplelogin. (e. Jan 20, 2025 · Integracija s Proton uslugama: Ako već koristite Proton, SimpleLogin se besprijekorno integrira s ProtonMailom, pružajući dodatni sloj enkripcije i sigurnosti vašoj komunikaciji putem emaila. SimpleLogin は、電子メール アドレスを保護するためのオープン ソースの電子メール エイリアス ソリューションです。 SimpleLogin は SimpleLogin SAS の製品であり、フランスでは SIREN 番号 884302134 で登録されています。SimpleLogin SAS は Proton AG の一部です。 If you have a Proton account already, SimpleLogin uses the same infrastructure so mail forwarding happens in the same internal networks. SimpleLogin wird weiterhin als eigenständiger Dienst funktionieren, und das SimpleLogin-Team wird weiterhin neue Funktionen Hi everyone, we’re excited to announce that SimpleLogin will be joining Proton. 492. SimpleLogin wurde Anfang 2022 von Proton übernommen. Only you can then decrypt these emails. mydomain. By default, SimpleLogin replace the email subject as “Encrypted Email” but you can also customize this option. SimpleLogin SAS merupakan bagian dari Proton AG. SimpleLogin diakuisisi oleh Proton pada awal tahun 2022. Learn how to connect your SimpleLogin account to your Proton account and enjoy SimpleLogin Premium benefits for free. Emails sent to your alias will be forwarded to this email address. Developer Jan 3, 2025 · $4/mo: Preisgestaltung: $3. new SimpleLogin Premium now includes Proton Pass premium features. Bitwarden + Proton/Simplelogin Though might check protonmails password manager when it comes out just to see what its like Reply reply Solako • Here to say,I’m so 2014年、Protonは欧州原子核研究機構(CERN)の科学者によって [16] 「プライバシーがデフォルトのより良いインターネットを構築する(build a better internet where privacy is the default)」ために設立され [17] 、電子メールサービスのProton Mailを提供開始した [2] 。 Nov 7, 2024 · Bringing together SimpleLogin and Proton Pass. Nov 7, 2024 · We’re updating our Proton Pass Plus subscription to include new alias features, including: custom domains for aliases, additional mailboxes, the ability to send emails from aliases, and more. A new SimpleLogin will be created using your Proton address. Proton Mail 및 타 PGP 툴 (Thunderbird, GPGTools 등)과도 잘 작동합니다. 686. Thus having SimpleLogin integrated into the Proton service makes for a more seamless experience. But over short period of time I've grown to like all of the alias management features it provides. io If you’re new to Proton or have a free or paid subscription to a single Proton product (Pass, Mail, VPN, or Drive Plus), you’re eligible to purchase Pass + SimpleLogin Lifetime. SimpleLogin offre inoltre funzionalità di sicurezza aggiuntive, come la crittografia PGP e l'autenticazione a due fattori. These features are available in SimpleLogin, an open source email alias solution owned by Proton and which provides the email aliases function in Proton Pass. Proton Mail is a secure, privacy-focused email service based in Switzerland. SimpleLogin by Proton (new window) is a browser extension, web app, and mobile app that provides you with anonymous email addresses whenever you sign up for a new online service. SimpleLogin is owned by Proton, that's probably the biggest difference between these two services. SimpleLogin è stata acquisita da Proton all'inizio del 2022. but i will upgrade to proton unlimited because of $4 difference. Edit : Also just be clear you can ofcourse also do it otherway around (below ) both proton and SimpleLogin supports sub domains. io/developer and create a website. Pass brings a higher level of security with battle-tested end-to-end encryption of all data and metadata, plus hide-my-email alias support. Follow the steps to confirm your Proton email address and access your SimpleLogin dashboard. Feb 13, 2024 · Skiff Drive alternative: Proton Drive. Learn more Proton Pass is a free and open-source password manager from the scientists behind Proton Mail, the world's largest encrypted email service. me para Groupon, etc. me, puede crear rápidamente otra dirección como nombre+facebook@proton. If I were to do it again, I'd probably use a one custom domain in proton and a sub. Sign in to your Proton Account to access all encrypted Proton services such as Proton Mail, Drive, Calendar, and more. For those who relied on Skiff Drive for secure file storage, Proton Drive offers a secure alternative for your documents, photos, and other sensitive files. SimpleLogin es el producto de SimpleLogin SAS, registrado en Francia bajo el número SIREN 884302134. " More info here If I want my custom domain address to behave like a real address and not reveal the underlying Gmail (or Proton, or whatever) address, then the "Send email as" feature is useless, and I have to rely on reverse aliasing via SimpleLogin. me is the same. O SimpleLogin foi adquirido pela Proton no início de 2022. It uses end-to-end encryption and offers full support for PGP. The minor gripe I have is that I would like reverse alias integration directly in proton for the junk rubbish domain. No more phishing, or spam. We like Proton’s mission and its transparency, open-source nature, and user-first culture. com ( 2025 ) Comparación SimpleLogin vs SMTP2GO ( 2025 ) Comparación SimpleLogin vs Sendgrid ( 2025 ) Comparación SimpleLogin vs Skiff ( 2025 ) Comparación SimpleLogin vs Spam Hero ( 2025 ) La fonctionnalité SimpleLogin est intégrée à Proton Mail, Proton Pass et subtilement à l'ensemble de l'écosystème, permettant à la communauté Proton de masquer ses adresses e-mail avec SimpleLogin. SimpleLogin is Proton’s SimpleLogin is open source, can be self-hosted and is 100% funded by the community. with unlimited which is $12 monthly, i can get 500gb, 15aliases, 3 custom domian, free simplelogin premium, and many vpn features. Works perfectly with Proton Mail or any PGP tools (Thunderbird, GPGTools, etc). If you have a Proton Unlimited, Proton Visionary, or Proton Business plan, you can use SimpleLogin (new window) to easily create and manage an unlimited number of aliases, allowing you to keep your email address safe. Proton began in 2014 with its privacy-first email service, Proton Mail, and it has since added aVPN, cloud storage, and calendar. Il servizio è completamente open source e può essere utilizzato su diverse piattaforme, tra cui il web, le applicazioni mobili e le estensioni del browser. contact@simplelogin. This is just a quick guide on how to authenticate your authentik users with Proton using SimpleLogin OIDC. me » pour votre compte Groupon. [31] [32] Die Funktionalität von SimpleLogin soll in Proton Mail integriert werden, sodass die Proton-Community ihre E-Mail-Adressen mit SimpleLogin verstecken kann. Give it your authentik URL. Proton is a major software company in the privacy space, best known for ProtonMail and ProtonVPN. com (as in 'a' for alias). Feb 19, 2025 · SimpleLogin is an open source, self-hostable service that allows you to protect your email address using email aliases. Nov 11, 2024 · With Pass + SimpleLogin Lifetime, you’ll get all current and future features of Proton Pass and SimpleLogin, our email alias service which provides aliases in Pass. SimpleLogin has been acquired by Proton which means more backing and resources for them. 新しいメールサーバーとしてProton mailとSimpleLoginをを試してみました。 メールサーバーについて#. Proton Mail is based in Switzerland and uses advanced encryption to keep your data safe. i upgrade my plan because i also need 500gb and more email aliases and complete vpn service. To accomplish this, first create a SimpleLogin acct by logging in with Proton. Proton Mail Mobile Login. SimpleLogin is an *open-source* email alias solution that allows you to quickly create an email alias. This isn’t an ideal experience, and given the similarity between Proton Pass and SimpleLogin, we’re centralizing the services of each product into one subscription. SimpleLogin is the product of Proton AG, registered in Switzerland under number CHE-354. Instead of renewing every month or year, users can now make a one-time payment of $199 to enjoy all Proton Pass Plus and SimpleLogin features, forever. You can ofcourse also buy another new domain and use the exsisting one with SimpleLogin and new one with proton. Protect your email address today with our privacy-preserving email aliases. 私は、自分で管理しているいくつかのドメインをメールアドレスとして利用しています。 Protect your email address with email ALIAS. Hopefully SimpleLogin will now have the resources to improve the UXUI of both their webapp and mobile apps which is quite lacking imho (Addy's apps UI is slightly better but not by much). I have my personal domain set up directly with proton. Nov 14, 2024 · Son is the Founder of SimpleLogin, which he continues to work on, along with Proton Pass. Se già utilizzi SimpleLogin con Proton Mail, le cose continueranno a funzionare come It seems like a lot of people disagree with protonmail plus subscriptions not being available for premium simplelogin benefits. I can only login using my Mail Plus account, but I can see my SimpleLogin custom domains in Proton Pass, probably through linking my SimpleLogin account with my Proton account. O SimpleLogin continuará a funcionar como um serviço autônomo e a equipe do SimpleLogin continuará a adicionar novos We are excited to announce that SimpleLogin and Proton are joining forces. SimpleLogin by Proton is an open-source email alias solution to protect your email address from spam and more. With end-to-end encryption, Proton Drive ensures that your files are private and cannot be accessed by unauthorized parties, including Proton itself. You’re also eligible if you have a paid subscription to a Proton Unlimited, Proton Duo, or Proton Visionary plan. 0 was released 14 August 2015, with open source front-end clients and a rewritten codebase. Nov 14, 2024 · $199 for all Proton Pass Plus and SimpleLogin Premium features, forever. SimpleLogin akan terus berfungsi sebagai before i subscribe with proton mail plus and simple login premium but when i found out that unlimited includes simplelogin premium. Podrška za više platformi : Uz ekstenzije za web preglednike, mobilne aplikacije i web sučelje, SimpleLogin osigurava da možete upravljati svojim Oct 28, 2022 · SimpleLogin joined Proton’s encrypted ecosystem in April 2022. Questions fréquentes sur SimpleLogin Si vous ne trouvez pas la réponse à votre question ici, contactez hi [at] simplelogin. Aunque es práctico, tiene algunas desventajas: - No puedes responder desde la dirección +: tu correo electrónico real aparecerá como remitente. Apr 8, 2022 · Proton users can expect to have an optional integration in the next coming months between Proton Mail and SimpleLogin that will come with an improved user experience. Until now, you had to maintain separate Proton Pass and SimpleLogin subscriptions to access each tool’s premium features. com SimpleLogin: mydomain. com and in simplelogin I might have a. Mettiamo per esempio che la tua email è nome@proton. In the privacy space, SimpleLogin is one of the very few organizations that aligns with our values of being open source, community driven, and people first. The features include: No limits on how many items you can store — Store an unlimited number of notes, bank cards, and identity information so you can fill out any kind of form Nov 19, 2024 · SimpleLogin joins the Proton family The past 6 months have been intense for SimpleLogin, with many new users, many new features, and many new technical challenges. io ou créez une entrée dans notre GitHub. Warum SimpleLogin? Proton hat eine einzigartige Philosophie und Wertevorstellungen. Aunque es práctico, tiene algunas desventajas: - No puede responder desde la dirección +: su correo electrónico real aparecerá como remitente. SimpleLogin SAS merupakan bagian dari Proton AG . [7] [8] Proton Mail 2. Previously, he was the director of engineering at Workwell and CTO at Fitle. Even custom domain added to sl can be detected since its just public dns mx record query to know where the domain mail is hosted at. Proton and SimpleLogin, two privacy-focused services, join forces and offer free SimpleLogin accounts to Proton subscribers. SimpleLogin merupakan produk dari SimpleLogin SAS, yang terdaftar di Perancis dengan nomor SIREN 884302134. Apps available for Android, iOS, and desktop devices. While Proton Pass Plus already offers unlimited email aliases, the functionality is limited to creating aliases when signing up for new accounts and replying to emails sent to that alias. See full list on simplelogin. Is this correct? Do you have any experience with delivery reliability with a custom domain? Digamos que tu dirección es nombre@proton. I’m now happy to share this news with you: SimpleLogin is now part of the Proton family. And then a junk / rubbish domain I also own set up with simplelogin. io)은 모두 사실상 별명입니다 🤫 Mettiamo per esempio che la tua email è nome@proton. Proton has been an inspiration for SimpleLogin. Honestly, I personally use Yandex since that's free and I get enough storage and IMAP, but Proton Plus is a likely next step up so this is still disappointing. It can't be a disposable or forwarding email address. SimpleLogin SAS fait partie de Proton AG. Sign in with SimpleLogin GitHub API Docs; Status SimpleLogin by Proton is an open-source email alias solution to protect your email address from spam and more. Simplelogin also provides 6 or 7 domains out of the box you can use. me per Groupon, ecc. nom+groupon@proton. [31] [32] Fungsionalitas SimpleLogin akan diintegrasikan ke dalam Proton Mail, Proton Pass, dan hampir di seluruh ekosistemnya, yang memungkinkan komunitas dan pengguna Proton untuk menyembunyikan alamat surel utama mereka dengan SimpleLogin. SimpleLogin es una solución de código abierto de alias de correo que protege tu dirección de correo. Currently, I am using SimpleLogin premium to create new email aliases. While Proton Pass Plus already offers SimpleLogin merupakan solusi alias surel open source untuk melindungi alamat surel Anda. [26] [27] A funcionalidade SimpleLogin será integrada ao Proton Mail, permitindo que a comunidade Proton oculte seus endereços de e-mail com o SimpleLogin. Learn how to link your accounts and the benefits of using SimpleLogin for anonymous email addresses. 99/mo: Nein SimpleLogin unterstützt keinen Speicher: Lagerung: 15 GB: 25 MB: Anhänge: 25 MB: Ja: Open Source: Proton Mail claims to be open-source, but their back-end actually is closed source SimpleLogin è una soluzione open source alias email per proteggere il tuo indirizzo email. SimpleLogin support team is now doubling in size with Proton help, so expect a faster time if you have a question. Developer. SimpleLogin is part of the Proton encrypted ecosystem. Leading privacy company Proton announces the launch of Proton Pass and SimpleLogin Lifetime. Jan 3, 2025 · Comparación SimpleLogin vs Proton Mail ( 2025 ) Comparación SimpleLogin vs Resend ( 2025 ) Comparación SimpleLogin vs SMTP. domain of that in simplelogin. Si votre adresse est « prenom. But you can do it anyway you want. Es sind sowohl kostenlose als auch kostenpflichtige Abonnements verfügbar.
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