Brazos county district clerk records search Hearing type 3. 14 days please contact our office at (979) 361-4300. 26th Street Suite 1200/1201 Bryan, Texas 77803 Main: (979) 361-4230 Telephone Payments County Historical Commission; District Clerk; Facebook; JP 2, Place 2 ; Judicial Records Search . Send us your requests about various issues in the county. Suite 1430 Bryan, TX 77803. 26th Street Suite 1200/1201 Bryan, Texas 77803 Main: (979) 361-4230 Telephone Payments County Courthouse 300 E. Ph: (979) 361-4320. The purpose of this website is to better serve you, our customers, by using internet based technology and support. 87(R) SB 30 - Enrolled version . Link: Go to District Clerk Home Page For questions about fees, filings and status of filings for occupational driver's licenses and criminal cases involving class B misdemeanors and above, please call the Brazos County District Clerk's Office at (979) 361-4230. 26th Street Suite 1430 Bryan, TX 77803. Fx: (979) 361-4368 Physical Address: 300 E. District Clerk Welcome to the Brazos County District Clerk Online Payment Services. Phone & Email Directory Judicial Records Search . Return to the Brazos County Website Home Page Physical Address: 300 E. Phone: (979) 361-4270 Welcome to the Brazos County District Clerk Online Payment Services. Advanced Search. Several options are available for paying fees including the following: Use the following links for Online Payments to. . Recorded Date Range can also be set to narrow results. Brazos County Public Info Request Form. Apr 18, 2023 · Read our articles on Zoom and how to use it to prepare for your hearing. Pay fees online to the Brazos County District Clerk using our online services provided to the public. Below is the physical address of the District Clerk: Marc Hamlin, Brazos County District Clerk County Mailing Address: 200 S. Unless specified, searches will include criminal and civil from 1992 to present. 26th Street Suite 1200/1201 Bryan, Texas 77803 Main: (979) 361-4230 Telephone Payments The Brazos County District Clerk is Gabriel Garcia, Phone: (979) 361-4230. in order to comply with the texas open courts provision, the public can view the hearing through www. Determine the search range you wish to purchase. 00/page for certified copies. Website Sign In The 85th District Court handles civil, criminal (felony and related misdemeanors), family law, and juvenile cases. Stay Informed. 50/page and $1. District Courts are courts of general jurisdiction, meaning if Texas law doesn't specifically require that some other court hear your case, it is Physical Address: 300 E. District Clerk; Court Fees; Base Cost Fees; County of Brazos. It is the goal of the 85th District Court to provide a just, fair, equitable, and impartial adjudication of all matters brought before this court, and to treat all individuals with integrity, honesty, equality, and respect. Fax: (979) 361-0197. Administrative Fees; District Clerk Court Fees; Copy Fees Health District. location 2. 85th District Court, Judge Kyle Hawthorne. Locust Street, Suite 206 Angleton, TX 77515 Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (979) 864-1316 Given that the Brazos County District Clerk is the official custodian of District and County court records, the District Clerk may be queried to access and obtain family court records. Can I do a record search by phone? No, all record searches must be submitted in writing and the proper search fee must accompany request. Suite 1200 Bryan, TX 77803. Create a free login to search deeds, liens, oil & gas leases, right of ways, plat maps and more. Link: Go to District Clerk Home Page Request Form: This form is required when requesting public information from the District Clerk, including civil and criminal searches and copy requests. View the following links to make a payment in your Justice Court: Brazos County Justice of the Peace Precinct 1 Online Payment. Request Brazos County Birth, Death, and Judicial Records Search . The district clerk's office was created by the Texas State Constitution, and its duties revolve mainly around the district and county courts for Brazos County. Questions concerning jury service should be directed to the jury services department of the Brazos County district clerk. Mailing Address: 200 S. An additional $5. Phone: (979) 361-4228 . 26th Street Suite 1430 Bryan, Texas 77803 Ph: (979) 361-4128 FAX: (979) 361-4125 Some forms used when doing business with the 85th District Court are available online below. Access court records requests, lookups, and databases online for free. Request Form: This form is required when requesting public information from the District Clerk, including civil and criminal searches and copy requests. The Brazoria County District Clerk's office provides Felony Records Search only. The cost to purchase a Felony Records Search is $5 for a 10 year range. Phone: 979-361-4124 Fax: 979-361-4125 Email: KMcQueen@brazoscountytx. Brazos County - District Clerk | Other Tax | 24-002598-CV-361 | September 10, 2024 Bank Of America, N. Job Postings. The district clerk is elected to a four-year term in a countywide election. TexasFile land and real estate records include deeds, oil and gas leases, mineral deeds, liens, right of ways, plat maps and probates. Request Brazos County Birth, Death, and The 272nd District Court handles civil, criminal (felony and related misdemeanors), family law, and juvenile cases. 00, copies of court documents are $. Bryan, TX 77803. Overview. Document copies available from 1842 to 2025 Search Brazos County Clerk Records and Official Public Records. District Attorney. 2. 26th Street Suite 310 Bryan, TX 77803. Search type (Case Number, Party Name, Business Name, Attorney Name, Attorney Bar Number, Or Judicial Officer) 4. Link: Go to County Clerk Home Page Questions concerning jury service should be directed to the jury services department of the Brazos County district clerk. IF YOU VIEW THIS HEARING VIA THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL OR ANY OTHER MEDIUM, YOU ARE ORDERED NOT TO RECORD ANY PART OF THE HEARING, NEITHER USING AUDIO OR VIDEO RECORDING OF ANY MEANS. gov . We are dedicated to providing easy access to property and land records for businesses and individuals. Internet Requests transactions are payable by credit card only. Search by Date Form 6. 26th Street Suite 1430 Bryan, Texas 77803 Ph: (979) 361-4128 FAX: (979) 361-4125 Brazos County is today served exclusively by three District Courts: the 85th District Court created in 1917, the 272nd District Court created in 1979, and the 361st District Court created in 1985. Jan 1, 2024 · Births occurring within the City Limits of Bryan or College Station starting January 1, 2019 will no longer be kept by the County Clerk's Office. Administrative Fees; District Clerk Court Fees; Copy Fees The Brazos County District Clerk is Gabriel Garcia, Phone: (979) 361-4230. This website is designed to provide you with 24-hour internet based remote access to our records as an alternative to in-person courthouse access. 4 days ago · Brazos County Clerk Official Public Records. Contact information: 300 E. Phone: (979) 361-4128. The chief trial courts in Texas are the District Courts, which had their origin in the Constitution of the Republic. The district clerk’s office has no forms / documents. Bryan, TX 77803 County Records Mgmt & Preservation: $30: The 85th District Court handles civil, criminal (felony and related misdemeanors), family law, and juvenile cases. Brazos County Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 Online Payment. However, property records may be search online at Texas Land Records. vs. Public access to court records in Brazos County District Courts, TX. Email the County of Brazos. Go to the County Clerk Home Page. Criminal Fee Book: 1986 - 2001. County Courthouse 300 E. 00 may be paid for each additional 10 years searched. Brazos County Courthouse 300 E. Administrative Fees; District Clerk Court Fees; Copy Fees Brazos County Courthouse 300 E. Entity: Phone Number: Judicial Records Search . More contact info » The county clerk's office is the record keeper of the county, which include: Birth certificates; Brand registrations; DD214s (military discharges) Death certificates; Marriage licenses; Probate and civil filings; Real estate property records; Our deed records for Brazos County began in 1841. Use this field to search for the name of a Grantor/Grantee or by subdivision, document type or document number. 5. You should also read the following documents uploaded by the County Clerk: Brazos County Local Rules of Administration. Search by Date To. To find an inmate that is currently in jail or who has been to the Brazos County Detention For questions about fees, filings and status of filings on divorce, custody, and all other civil cases not specifically listed and criminal cases involving class B misdemeanors and above, please call the Brazos County District Clerk's Officeat (979) 361-4231. 472nd District Court 300 East 26th Street Suite 2614 Bryan, Texas 77803 Phone: 979-361-2600. Voter Registration Applications Voter registration applications may be obtained online from the Secretary of State . Texas Law Help 361st District Court; Brazos County Administration; To find a court date select a 1. Brazos County Indigent Defense Plan; No, the district clerk’s office cannot give out that information. Brazos County Pro Se Court Policy. Physical Address: 300 E 26th St. Central Magistrate Search The Bexar County Central Magistrate Search allows users to search for individuals who have been arrested within the last 24 hours. Read about this important office in the county which employs 34 people to help in prosecutions, victim services, and Child Protective Services cases. You will need to contact the City Secretary's office of the city of birth. Judicial Records Search . gov: Phone: (979) 361-4165: Fax: (979) 361-4503 Entity: Phone Number: General Inquiries (979) 361-4230: Appeals (979) 361-4237: Attorney General (979) 361-4244: Child Support (979) 361-4244: Civil Cases (All Courts) Brazos County Clerk Vital Records 300 E. For questions about the electronic monitor or the county work release program, please call our office at 979-361-4540. Return to the Brazos County Website Home Page Use the Brazos County Judicial Records Search portal to find court records and court hearings for specified date ranges. The Honorable Garbriel Garcia, the District Clerk of Brazos County, is pleased to provide our constituents with this website to search index books. Then click submit. 300 E 26th Street. 26th Street Suite 1430 Bryan, Texas 77803 Ph: (979) 361-4128 FAX: (979) 361-4125 Apr 18, 2023 · Brazos County Justice of the Peace Courts offer online payment portals for each court. Civil Minutes: 1800s - 2000. 361st District Court, Judge David Hilburn. Copies will be available for your use in the District Clerk's Office. The district clerk's office has the responsibility of filing, docketing (assigning the case to a specific court), and keeping all paperwork and documents concerned with felony criminal cases, misdemeanor cases, family cases, juvenile cases, tax cases, and civil cases of more than $500. A copy of this order must be attached to the petition when it is filed. Fx: (979) 361-4368 Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. For questions about fees and filings on divorce, custody, protective orders, temporary restraining orders, and other civil cases not specifically listed please call the Brazos County District Clerk's Office at (979) 361-4231. Setting Request (Civil / Criminal) Setting Request Form: This form should be used when requesting a hearing with the county courts at law and/or the District Courts of Brazos County. Associate Courts, as created by Texas Government Code, Chapter 54, assist the District Courts and County Courts at Law in presiding over felony and misdemeanor criminal cases, family law matters, and civil commitments. 300 E County Courthouse 300 E. This order applies in every divorce suit and in ever suit affecting the parent-child relationship filed in CCL1 in Brazos County. Seeing too many results? Try using the Advanced Search above and add more info to narrow the field. com. 300 E The Brazos County District Clerk is Gabriel Garcia, Phone: (979) 361-4230. The district clerk is an elected official whose term of office is four years. 26th Street Suite 1430 Bryan, Texas 77803 Ph: (979) 361-4128 FAX: (979) 361-4125 Stay up to date on the operations of the four types of courts in Brazos County including Associate Courts, County Courts, District Courts, and Juvenile Court. In addition to records search fee of $5. Request Brazos County Birth, Death, and/or Marriage Certificate Brazos County - District Clerk | Other Tax | 24-002598-CV-361 | September 10, 2024 Bank Of America, N. Standing Order in Divorce and Family Cases Gabriel Garcia Brazos County District Clerk Email County Courthouse 300 E. Administrative Fees; District Clerk Court Fees; Copy Fees 472nd District Court 300 East 26th Street Suite 2614 Bryan, Texas 77803 Phone: 979-361-2600. gov: Phone: (979) 361-4165: Fax: (979) 361-4503 Overview. Office Hours: 8:00 - 5:00 Monday through Friday County Courthouse 300 E. Having trouble searching by Name? Use just the first or last name alone. Divorce Minutes: 1897 - 1973. Brazos County Indigent Defense Plan; Here you can toggle between Advanced Word and Full Name Search, Image Text Search, and Advanced Image Text Search. 26th Street Suite 1430 Bryan, Texas 77803 Ph: (979) 361-4128 FAX: (979) 361-4125 Apr 18, 2023 · Civil District Courts hear all family and civil law issues including divorce cases, custody issues, child abuse and neglect (involving the Department of Family and Protective Services, or CPS) cases, cases involving title to land, and civil matters where the amount of money or damages involved is $200 or more. Criminal Minutes: 1874 - 1999. Lookup court cases for free, search case summary, find docket information, obtain court documents, track case status, and get alerts when new lawsuits are filed. 472nd District Court, Judge George Jerrell Wise. 26th St. Aaron Burch Brazos County - 472nd District Court | Debt/Contract - Debt/Collection | 24-002591-CV-472 | September 10, 2024 The County Clerk & District Clerk court records search allows you to search for criminal court case records in Bexar County. Brazos County COVID-19 Operating Plan, Brazos County Re-Certification of Operating Plan. County of Brazos. Most can be printed, filled out, and either mailed or faxed to the District Clerk unless specified otherwise: Setting Request; Change of Address; Work Release Schedules; Court Appointed Attorney Fee Form; Request for Transcript; Visiting Judge Standard 85th District Court, Judge Kyle Hawthorne. Find information on Associate 1 Court and Associate 2 Court. Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. Brazos County Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 Online Payment. Request Tracker. youtube. Aaron Burch Brazos County - 472nd District Court | Debt/Contract - Debt/Collection | 24-002591-CV-472 | September 10, 2024 Health District. 26th Street Suite 1200/1201 Bryan, Texas 77803 Main: (979) 361-4230 Telephone Payments Mailing Address: 200 S. gov: Phone: (979) 361-4165: Fax: (979) 361-4503 County Historical Commission; District Clerk; Facebook; JP 2, Place 2 ; Judicial Records Search . Since 2005, TexasFile has been a reliable resource for Brazos County Official Public Records, including County Clerk Records and Mineral Appraisal Data. Utilize this list of jobs in your personal job search. County Courts, District Courts, and Brazoria County District Clerk Cassandra Tigner, District Clerk 237 E. Request Brazos County Birth, Death, and No, the district clerk’s office cannot give out that information. A link to our Interactive GSI Maps. District Clerk Office in Bryan, Texas. It is the goal of the 272nd District Court to provide a just, fair, equitable, and impartial adjudication of all matters brought before this court, and to treat all individuals with integrity, honesty, equality, and respect. Land Records District Clerk. Record seekers can access family court records online through the District Clerk's Justice website . If I am planning on not hiring an attorney will the District Clerk’s Office provide me with the correct forms? Hiring an attorney can insure your rights and provide you with the best legal services available. Gabriel Garcia Brazos County District Clerk Email County Courthouse 300 E. The district clerk provides support of the district and county court at law courts in the county. Brazos County is today served exclusively by three District Courts: the 85th District Court created in 1917, the 272nd District Court created in 1979, the 361st District Court created in 1985, and the 472nd District Court created in 2023. Return to the District Courts Home Page. Request Brazos County Birth, Death, and/or Marriage Certificate District Clerk . 301-400 (out of 10000) court records for Brazos County District Court, TX. Request Brazos County Birth, Death, and/or Marriage Certificate County of Brazos. Note: The Public Access to the Harris County District Clerk Court Electronic Records, its Help Desk, its Call Center and/or the Harris County District Clerk reserves the right to suspend/reduce service or restrict access to any account causing an unacceptable level of congestion or disrupting operations for the following: Find results quickly by selecting the Owner, Address, ID or Advanced search tabs above. 272nd District Court, Judge John Brick. Standing Order in Divorce and Family Cases Welcome to the Brazos County District Clerk Online Payment Services. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Brazos County info. District Clerk . Request Brazos County Birth, Death, and/or Marriage Certificate This order applies in every divorce suit and in ever suit affecting the parent-child relationship filed in CCL1 in Brazos County. Link: Go to County Clerk Home Page Brazos County Coverage. 26th Street (County Courthouse), Suite 120, Bryan, TX 77803 County Maps. Divorce Index: 1965 - 2000. Suite 224 Bryan, TX 77803. 🏛️📜 Some forms used when doing business with the 85th District Court are available online below. If you do not receive a response to your request within. Office Hours: 8:00 - 5:00 Monday through Friday. 26th Street Suite 1430 Bryan, Texas 77803 Ph: (979) 361-4128 FAX: (979) 361-4125 The office of district clerk is created by the Texas Constitution, Article V, Section 9. Search by Criteria 5. Texas Avenue Suite 332 Bryan, TX 77803: Email: PublicInfo@brazoscountytx. Having trouble searching by Address? Use a more simple search like just the street name. Brazos County Indigent Defense Plan; Explore Brazos County, TX court records and case information. Request Brazos County Birth, Death, and/or Marriage Certificate. Brazos County Redistricting Information For questions about fees, filings and status of filings on divorce, custody, and all other civil cases not specifically listed and criminal cases involving class B misdemeanors and above, please call the Brazos County District Clerk's Officeat (979) 361-4231. To use the new predictive Type Ahead feature: Physical Address: 300 E 26th St. a. Searches can also be filtered including Document Groups and Party type. Most can be printed, filled out, and either mailed or faxed to the District Clerk unless specified otherwise: Setting Request; Change of Address; Work Release Schedules; Court Appointed Attorney Fee Form; Request for Transcript; Visiting Judge Standard Welcome to the Brazos County District Clerk Online Payment Services. the court's channel is "brazos county ac1". County Historical Commission; District Clerk; Facebook; JP 2, Place 2 County of Brazos.
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