Judges in dorchester county. Access detailed profiles, analytics, recent … William H.
Judges in dorchester county She has served the county since 1977 in She was appointed to serve as Dorchester County Master-In-Equity in May of 2011 and was elected to serve on the Circuit Court bench on January 30, 2013. Barnes Hon. Todd, Carolyn I. Member, Conference of Orphans' Court Judges, 2003-12. org. ALL REQUESTS ARE CONSIDERED “PENDING” UNTIL APPROVED BY THE JUDGE OR JURY Hon. Blunt is a judge for the Dorchester County Probate Court in South Carolina. Mailing Address: 121 South Metts Street Saint George, SC 29477 Contact Information Mailing Address & Office Location: 201 Johnston St. Retired November 1, 2021. District Court, District of South Carolina- 2020 · Experience: Dorchester County Government · Education HENDERSON — Caroline County Circuit Court Judge Jonathan Newell died from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound early Friday morning after FBI agents went to his house to arrest him on The Clerk issues business licenses and marriage licenses in addition to performing civil marriage ceremonies. She was re-elected in 2016 and 2022. Jews is an associate judge for the Dorchester County District Court (District 2) in Maryland. 1919 Thurmond Mall Columbia, SC 29201. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents. In Dorchester County, Maryland, probate judges are every years by and serve year terms. Click Here for Large Map. She was elected to the bench by the South Carolina General Assembly in May 1998. Fax: 410-221-0315 **Please write your full name and date of birth (or Juror Identification No. Board of Library Trustees, Dorchester County, 1994-. O. Russell A. As Associate Judge, Blunt handled the Therapeutic Division of the Probate Court, including Guardianships and Conservatorships. Heath P. Attorney General Opinions. IV, sec. States. Ames, Jr. Commissioner, Dorchester County District Court, 1980-89. Prior to his appointment, Jones was the state’s attorney for the Dorchester County State’s Attorney’s Office, a position to which he was appointed by the Hon. Melvin J. JUDGES BY COUNTY. DeMott is a magistrate for the Dorchester County Magistrate Court in South Carolina. Member, Governor's Task Force on Eastern Shore Economic Development, 1999-2001. Calvin Travers is the Chief Judge for the Dorchester County Orphans’ Court in Maryland. Associate member, North Dorchester Jaycees (past president); East New Market Dorchester County Museum The County Museum is said to be haunted by Jeffreys’ ghost, and in 2010 paranormal investigators captured a photograph that they claimed showed the ghostly figure of the Judge stalking the corridors of the museum. (WCSC) - A judge has sentenced a New York man who pleaded guilty in the beating death of a man at a Dorchester County apartment complex last November. The judge's name is placed on the ballot in the first general election that occurs at least one year following the vacancy the judge was appointed to fill (Const. , Examiner in Chancery (443) 521-4491 The Honorable Cheryl Graham was elected as Clerk of Court for Dorchester County on November 7, 2000, and began her service on January 1, 2001. George, SC 29477 Dorchester Family Court Courthouse 212 Deming Way Summerville, SC 29483 Associate Judge. Their supervisor and/or school principal will determine their eligibility to be named as a finalist in the slated categories. 2-101 through 2-109). 5). . He was elected to the bench by the South Carolina General Assembly on February 2, 2022, filling the vacancy created by the retirement of the Hon. , Tera Suzette Richardson, Michael T. The County Administrator serves as County Council's agent in administrative matters. 2 CAROLYN I. , Carolyn I. Travers has presided on the Dorchester County Orphans’ Court since 1993. Goodstein was elected to the court by the South Carolina General Assembly in May 1998 and assumed office on July 1, 1998. The County Museum is said to be haunted by Jeffreys’ ghost, and in 2010 Dorchester County is a county in South Carolina that belongs to the 1st Judicial Circuit. Phone: (410) 228-4181. Brandon D. After graduating, Tynes joined the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office as an assistant district attorney in 1999. Judge Clerk Of Court C P, G S, And Family Court presiding. White Hon. Summerville Office: 500 N. Explore our comprehensive collection of judges serving in Dorchester County through the Dorchester County Judge Directory on Trellis. Wilson in 2009. Judges; Family Court. 206 High Street, Cambridge, MD 21613. Cusack: First African American Female Probate Judge in Dorchester County (2005-2011) CALVIN TRAVERS has moved to: www. One winner for each of the following four categories will be selected by a panel of judges based on a rating rubric score: MELVIN JAMES JEWS, District Administrative Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 2, Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico & Worcester Counties, since September 1, 2024 (Associate Judge, Dorchester County, June 20, 2014 to August 31, 2024). Price, who has been a Caroline County District Court judge since March; William “Bill” H. Hon. Box 8207 Columbia, SC 29202-8207. , Art. Member, Conference of Orphans' Court Judges, 2016- (education subcommittee, 2017-). Member, Administrative Judges Committee, District Court of Maryland, 1990-2013. 0 mile away. St. The Chief Judge is designated by the Governor (Code Estates & Trusts Article, sec. Bridget M. 40; Code Estates & Trusts Article, secs. Frost is a magistrate for the Dorchester County Magistrate Court in South Carolina. The Clerk administers oaths to notary publics, county officials, judges and appointees commissioned by the Governor. The people of Maryland are also served by a Court of Special Appeals. Box 416 Cambridge, MD 21613. Londergan, Janice Yvonne Simmons Location Dorchester Showground, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 7SD; Date Sat 7 September 2024 8:30am to Sun 8 September 2024 6pm Dorchester County Circuit Court in Dorchester County, Maryland Court Online Resources. The United States District Court for the District of Maryland has jurisdiction in Dorchester County. Margie Elizabeth Fuller Cannon: [27] First female magistrate in Charleston County, South Carolina (1968) Barbara Usher Griffin: [28] First female magistrate judge for Chester County, South Carolina; Nettie B. The new judges include Heather L. Circuit court judges. Resigned July 22, 2016. Mary O’Donnell is a family magistrate for the Dorchester County Circuit Court in the First Judicial Circuit of Maryland. Jones, County Administrative Judge (chosen by Chief Judge, Court of Appeals), 2037 Appointed by County Administrative Judge: Mary O'Donnell, Esq. The viewer should contact appropriate regulating agencies to determine accuracy Good rapport with practicing attorneys of the local bar and the sitting judges. The magistrate court presides over landlord/tenant hearings, summons and complaint cases (to claim disputed funds), claim and delivery cases (to reclaim property), and public WILLIAM HAMBLER JONES County Administrative Judge, Dorchester County Circuit Court, 1st Judicial Circuit, since February 4, 2022. A seven-member County Council is elected by district and provides policy direction to the County. , Family Magistrate (410) 221-1548 Bridget M. Dorchester County, South Carolina, appointed by Governor Nikki Haley; 2009-2011: Magistrate Judge, Dorchester County; 2005-2009: Attorney, Quattlebaum and Murphy, LLP; Dorchester County Magistrates Court Summerville in Summerville, South Carolina. Since taking the bench, Jews has sat as a member of the Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee, the Legislative Committee, and the Equal Justice Committee of the Judicial Council. George, SC CIRCUIT COURT JUDGES 1ST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Dorchester County DEMOCRATIC PARTY Dorchester County operates under a Council-Administrator form of government and has over 800 full-time employees. Evartt. He was named to the position in 1994. Member, Dorchester County Democratic Central Committee, 1994-98. Orphans Court for Dorchester County in Cambridge, Maryland. Todd; Calvin Travers; See also. George R. Certificate of Appreciation, Wicomico County Child Advocacy Center, 2018. Chellis > 5200 E Jim Bilton Blvd St George, SC 29477-8020 Hon. She was elected to the bench on November 4, 2008. (WCIV) — *This story was updated with new information on December 14, 2023. Cherokee County Courthouse Gaffney, SC 29342 . Dorchester County is a county in South Carolina that belongs to the 1st Judicial Circuit. Search City or Zipcode. These are among the top reasons why Amanda Leonard is the right choice for the elected State’s Attorney for Dorchester County. Office: (864) 487-2568. The Hon. Every resident in Dorchester County is a potential recipient of the many services provided by the Clerk. Brett W. Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nevada New Jersey New Mexico New York North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island Texas Washington Wisconsin Featured Judges. Circuit Court and the Clerk of Court office is located at the Dorchester County Courthouse. Asha Z. Matthew A. , Examiner in Chancery (443) 521-4491 Murphy has held assignments in Dorchester County. Experience. Directory of online resources applicable to the Dorchester County Circuit Court in Dorchester County, Maryland judge, date filed, and party names. Mary L. The definitions on this site are for general information and not legal advice. George, South Carolina during a hearing involving the Catholic Dioceses of Charleston. If a judge in Dorchester County feels that the arrested will return to court for further proceedings, the arrested could be released County Clerk, Judge, or Other Info: Staff: Victor Glenn Stephens, Jacquelyn G. Diane Schafer Goodstein; Heath Preston Taylor; Family court judges. Jenkins [+] General Jury Duty Information First Judicial Circuit Family Court Dorchester County 101 Ridge Street 0. Member, Legislative Committee, Maryland Association of Counties, 2011-18. Maciarello. "Probate judges list by county," accessed In Dorchester County Probate Court, the judge plays a pivotal role in overseeing probate matters. Judge, Orphans' Court, Dorchester County, since December 2022. Judge Murphy previously served as President, Vice President and Treasurer of the Dorchester County Bar Association and is member of the South Carolina Women's Bar Association. State's Attorney, Wicomico County, January 3, 2011 to July 22, 2016. 4 in the main courtroom at the Diane Schafer Goodstein is a circuit court judge for the First Judicial Circuit. 5200 E. Associate Judge, Wicomico County Circuit Court, 1st Judicial Circuit, since July 22, 2016. Dorchester Edgefield Fairfield Florence Georgetown Greenville Greenwood Hampton Horry Jasper Kershaw Lancaster Laurens Lee Lexington Marion Marlboro The Hon. BRETT W. In that capacity, she handled the Therapeutic Division of the Judge Diane Goodstein at the Dorchester County Courthouse in St. Abdella Hon. , Chestertown, Maryland, October 2006. Mailing Address: 121 South Metts Street Saint George, SC 29477 Getting Started. Maryland Probate Clerk. Visiting Dorchester; including the chair in which Jeffreys sat as he handed down death sentences to many of the accused. Phone business exchange operator, Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay. It might be helpful to define some words that will be used on this site, when explaining the South Carolina Court System and how it works. * It could be late January before the public learns why a municipal judge from Dorchester The people of Dorchester County are served by a Circuit Court, a District Court and an Orphans' Court. Jones, County Administrative Judge, Dorchester County Circuit Court, 1st Judicial Circuit, since February 11, 2022. Maite Murphy is an at-large judge of the South Carolina Circuit Courts. Judges of the Maryland Orphans' Court are selected in partisan elections (except in the counties of Harford and Montgomery, where circuit court judges are assigned to serve on the Explore our comprehensive directory of judges in Worcester County, Massachusetts on Trellis. Anne Gue Jones; Randall McGee In July 2007, Judge Tiffany Provence appointed Mary Blunt as Associate Probate Judge for Dorchester County. Explore our comprehensive directory of judges in Suffolk County, Massachusetts on Trellis. Trellis helps you find Family cases in Dorchester County, Maryland court records. html William H. C. Directory of online resources applicable to the Dorchester County Magistrate Court - Summerville in Dorchester County, South Carolina View South Carolina Judicial Department disciplinary orders against lawyers and judges by year Nominees for Team Member of the Year must be full-time employees of Dorchester County Public Schools. Access detailed profiles, analytics, recent William H. Edgar W. Thank you for visiting the Dorchester County, SC website. Messervy, Sr. The utmost respect for the citizens of this county. She was appointed to the bench by the County Administrative Judge in 2020. Access the latest docket status and case summaries, receive alerts, track cases, and download documents. Member, Heritage Tourism Council, Dorchester County, 1998-99. County Clerk, Judge, or Other Info: Staff: James H. The First Judicial Circuit has jurisdiction in Calhoun, Dorchester, and Orangeburg counties in South Carolina. Fax: (864) 487-2776. Cusack: First African American Female Probate Judge in Dorchester County (2005-2011) Hon. Tara L. Dorchester County Probate Court 101 Ridge Street 0. Diane Schafer Goodstein is a judge for the 1st Judicial Circuit Court of South Carolina. They Appointed by County Administrative Judge: Mary O'Donnell, Esq. Taylor is a judge for the 1st Judicial Circuit Court of South Carolina. msa. Dickson. gov Appointed by the Governor, for a term of six years, Masters-In-Equity have jurisdiction in matters referred to them by the Circuit Court. Fortes, Chief Justice. Attorney · Bar Admissions: South Carolina- 2017 District of Columbia- 2018 U. Circuit judges serve the sixteen circuits on a rotating basis, with court terms and assignments determined by the Chief Justice based upon recommendations of Court Administration. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 0 seconds The Probate Judge oversees marriage licenses, estates of deceased persons, guardianships, conservatorships, minor settlements under $25,000 and involuntary commitments to institutions for mentally ill and/or chemically dependent persons. Information provided should not be used as a substitute for legal, business, tax, or other professional advice. (Grace Beahm Alford/The Post and Courier Tiffany Provence formed Provence Messervy, LLC after more than 10 years as an elected official, serving Dorchester County as the Probate Judge and an additional two as Associate Judge. Prior to joining the bench, she worked as an Search Family court records for Dorchester County Superior Court with Trellis. Keeping the Shore safe, and ensuring justice are Amanda’s first priorities. Search South Carolina Circuit and Family Court judge schedules by date range and by judge, county and court type, circuit and court type, circuit event type, or judge in chambers. Email: MIE@DorchesterCountySC. gov/msa/mdmanual/36loc/do/jud/former/html/msa14247. State's Attorney, Dorchester County, June 19, 2009 to February 11, 2022 (Interim State's Attorney, April 11, 2007 to Dorchester County Judges. Main St. ) on all correspondence. gov/msa/mdmanual/36loc/do/jud/former/html/msa14246. Appeals from the District of South Carolina go to the United States Court of DORCHESTER COUNTY, MARYLAND ORPHANS' COURT FORMER JUDGES. The United States District Court for the District of South Carolina has jurisdiction in Dillon County. Freeman Explore our comprehensive directory of judges in Westchester County, New York on Trellis. On July 2, 2024 a judgment/divorce case was filed by Timana, Gerson Enrigue Rojoas, against Delgado, Esabel Lorena, in the jurisdiction of Dorchester County. Family Court is located at the Troy Knight Judicial Complex (212 Deming Way, Summerville, SC 29483) General Overview. Provence is a graduate of the University of The Hon. Select Dorchester County for the current month of Court. The United States District Court for the District of South Carolina has jurisdiction in Dorchester County. NORTON III, District Administrative Judge, District Court of Maryland, District 2, (Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico & Worcester counties), 1990 to January 23, 2013 (Associate Judge, Dorchester County, August 6, 1985 to 1990). Helpful information about the probate division of the Dorchester Register of Wills located in Dorchester County, MD. He was appointed to the bench by Governor Larry Hogan in 2022. Ames, Jr; Carolyn I. She was elected to the court by the South Carolina General Assembly on January 30, 2013. The data is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. Jim Bilton Blvd. JOHN L. md. Filter by case name, case number, plaintiff, defendant, judge, and more. Appeals from the District of Maryland go to the United States Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit. To be eligible for the office of Orphans' Court Judge, a person must have been a citizen of the State and County resident for at least one year immediately preceding election (Const. Stacey J. Gain insights into judge profiles, analytics, recent cases, and rulings at the county level. View official opinions of the Maryland Attorney General by year, opinion number Dorchester County Magistrate Court - Summerville in Dorchester County, South Carolina Court Online Resources. The magistrate court presides over landlord/tenant hearings, summons and complaint cases (to claim disputed funds), claim and delivery cases (to reclaim property), and public sales of abandoned vehicles. To pay an offender's bond that has been arrested and is being held at the Dorchester County Detention Center, first call 843-832-0215 for the exact amount needed, then follow the instructions outlined below. Andrew J. Was the decedent resident of Dorchester County at the time of their death? Did the decedent die within the last ten (10) years? If you answered yes to both of those questions and you would like to begin probate without the assistance of an attorney, you must complete the Opening Probate Worksheet, print the completed worksheet and return it to the Court with all DORCHESTER COUNTY, S. Criminal Court Process for Dorchester County South Carolina Dorchester County South Carolina Criminal Court System – Definitions. Mary's Talbot Washington Wicomico Worcester Stay Connected, Get News, View Updates & Insights. James E. State's Attorney, Dorchester County, June 19, 2009 to February 11, 2022 (Interim State's Attorney, April 11, 2007 to June 19, 2009). He was in elected office for over fifty-eight years in Dorchester County, including serving on the Dorchester County Board of The Maryland chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union has filed a federal court suit against Maryland and the system for electing Orphans Court judges in Dorchester County on the Eastern Shore. He was appointed to the bench by former Governor Martin O’Malley in 2014. Bethzaida Sanabria-Vega Hon. The judge may be opposed formally by one or more qualified Member, Wicomico County Humane Society (board of directors, 2020-). Summerville, SC 29483 The Dorchester County government provides the data within these pages for your use AS IS. Law. Over the course of his tenure there, he held assignments with the Boston Municipal Court (1999 to 2001) the General Felony Unit (2002 to 2004), and the Homicide Response Team (2001 to 2004) and was named chief assistant Member, Conference of Orphans' Court Judges, 2016- (education subcommittee, 2017-). Probate judges can usually be without a gap in service. S. Appeals from the District of South Carolina In July 2007, Judge Tiffany Provence appointed Mary Blunt as Associate Probate Judge for Dorchester County. Prior to her election, Murphy was a master-in-equity for the Dorchester County Equity Court (2011 to 2013) and a magistrate for the Dorchester County Magistrate Court (2009 to 2011). Virtual Courtroom > Circuit: 7 The Dorchester County, SC website is not responsible for the content of external sites. Member, Child in Need of Assistance (CINA) Subcommittee, Foster Care The Hon. Photo by Diane F. Created By Vision - Where Communities & Government Meet Appointed by Governor &/or elected by Voters to 15-year term (1 Judge): William H. Anne Gue Jones; "Family Court Judges (Alphabetical List)," accessed She was appointed to serve as Dorchester County Master-In-Equity in May of 2011 and was elected to serve on the Circuit Court bench on January 30, 2013. WILSON, County Administrative Judge, Dorchester County Circuit Court, June 30, 2004 to November 1, 2021, and Circuit Administrative Judge, 1st Judicial Circuit (Dorchester, Somerset, Wicomico & Worcester counties), January 1, 2017, to August 16, 2021. Before that, she spent time as a partner at Quattlebaum & Murphy, a law firm she joined in 2005. Dorchester Frederick Garrett Harford Howard Kent Montgomery Prince George's Queen Anne's Somerset St. View Dorchester County Magistrate and Municipal Court dockets by agency, docket type, and date. She was appointed to the bench by Governor Henry McMaster in 2022. The judge ensures that all proceedings are conducted fairly, follows legal procedures, and safeguards the rights of all Judge Blunt; Commitment Division; Estate Division + Estate Filing Fees; Personal Representative; Marriage License Division + Apply Online; Therapeutic Division; Defined Terms; Dorchester County Probate Court. Judges. Browse States. Prior to her election, Blunt was an associate judge for the Dorchester County Probate Court, a position to which she was named in 2007. TODD has moved to: www. Retired January 23, 2013. Judge Murphy previously It oversees the counties of Calhoun, Orangeburg and Dorchester. Judge (Democrat), 1998-2022 Judge, Orphans' Court, Dorchester County, December 1998 to December 2022. They have the power and authority of the Circuit Court sitting without a jury, to regulate all proceedings in every hearing before them, and to perform all acts and take all measures necessary or proper for the Judge, Orphans' Court, Dorchester County, since 1994. This webpage contains information about current Dorchester County Probate Court Judge, Mary Blunt. Home Services Our County Business Government How Do I Contact Us Disclaimer. ubridgessc@sccourts. GEORGE, S. (D) Travers, Calvin (D) Maryland Constitutional Offices & Agencies Maryland Departments Maryland Independent Agencies Maryland Executive Commissions, Committees, Task Forces, & Advisory Boards. html Dorchester County Courthouse 5200 East Jim Bilton Boulevard St. Jones, who has been the Dorchester County state’s attorney since Circuit Court Judge’s Chambers: 410-228-6300 Jury Commissioner: Dorchester County Jury Commissioner P. Dorchester County Courthouse 5200 East Jim Bilton Boulevard St. 803-252-7255 800-922-6081 Fax 803-252-0379 Dillon County is a county in South Carolina that belongs to the 4th Judicial Circuit. Explore our comprehensive directory of judges in Deschutes County, Oregon on Trellis. Court Fees; Chief Admin Judges; Circuit Map; Judges; At Large Family Court Judges; Judges * Indicates Retired/Active Judge. State's Attorney, Dorchester County, June 19, 2009 to For up-to-date information on Court Reporters. Assistant State's Attorney, 2002-04. The 1st Judicial Circuit includes Calhoun, Orangeburg, and Dorchester Counties. Todd Hours: Open Weekdays 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM [+] General Jury Duty Information Hon. , Family Magistrate (410) 221-1548. Member, Court of CAMBRIDGE — Dorchester County’s new interim circuit court judge took his oath of office and donned his robe in an afternoon ceremony Feb. Member, Alternate Dispute Resolution Committee, 2015-20, Legislative Committee, 2018-; Equal Justice Committee, 2020 It oversees the counties of Calhoun, Orangeburg and Dorchester. Jones is the County Administrative Judge for the Dorchester County Circuit Court in the First Judicial Circuit of Maryland. Jury Duty, District and County Clerk of Court, Phone Number, and other Dorchester County info. The Dorchester County Orphans Court is an orphan's court in Dorchester County, Maryland. Dorchester County is in the First Judicial Circuit. Attended South Dorchester High School, Cambridge, Maryland; Chesapeake College; Delaware Tech and Community College; Salisbury University; Washington College; Jefferson School of Commerce Discover the story of Judge Jeffreys in Dorchester and his dark role in Dorset's history, from early life to adulthood and downfall. Staff: Calvin Travers (Chief Judge), George R. Search pending dockets by attorney bar number or case number. George, SC 29477. This position has oversight over all County ST. Benjamin C. William H. Lowrie, Esq. Kent County Courthouse, 103 Cross St. P. cvp xmtue femzy vhwx prd uyya ahdq ymhega xss wgbrb vjp oogqx ealan itestuaj fxzoqbw