My ex girlfriend has a new boyfriend reddit

Fox Business Outlook: Costco using some of its savings from GOP tax reform bill to raise their minimum wage to $14 an hour. 

Seeing my ex being a better person for his new GF. 5. We dated for over four years. They're just trying to cover the pain with a bandaid of a new relationship. We were together 3 years, engaged for 2. It took us 4 months to officially be called boyfriend and girlfriend so I'm perplexed at how she jumped into a relationship so fast after all the experiences she has had. I really enjoy unpacking and debating things - anything. Three months in, their victim is subjected to gaslighting, belittling, and her circle of friends are either gone or dwindling. Around this time last year, I left my husband of almost five years. She's intelligent, but has practically zero interest in conversation. Later on, they either have complete control or their victim has wised up and moved on. One of my exes is in an LTR with someone who looks a lot like me. Tuesday, September 26 2023 (a month later) removed TLDR of first post. This is tough for anyone to hear. I'm currently sitting and contemplating what to do with my life. My boyfriend and I had an amazing relationship. I can’t stop comparing myself to this guy. May I not stress enough thoughIf you do decide to commit to a new relationship. It was an incredibly draining and emotionally abusive relationship. Trigger warning for this part: Her ex-boyfriend killed himself. He also always said he could never date someone like her. This is important because he started his cycle of abuse and raping around the 1 year mark of a relationship. As I mentioned, I didn't have time to respond to everyone over the weekend, but I read everything multiple Basically all I can say it, you're gonna be alright eventually. I had limited experience with men prior to the start of our relationship. But they still are friends. He eventually came out. She lost her virginity to me and I felt more comfortable with her than I've ever felt with any My long term ex girlfriend still has our anniversary posts and a handful of photos of us on Facebook wheras my last girlfriend deleted the existence of our entire relationship immediately after breaking up. "Girlfriend, I completely support you being friends with whomever you want to be with. Prior, he was in a two year long relationship. •. She cheated on him, they broke up, then we got together soon after. Feb 12, 2024 · Needless to say, this may trigger intense jealousy and territorial behavior in you, as well as in your ex’s new boo. She's in a 4 year relationship too but lives with her boyfriend in a completely different country now (we live in US and she's in Czech). He's not my problem. 5 years breaks up with me, has new boyfriend 2 weeks later. I think everyone including your girlfriend and the new girlfriend of the ex should pull back a little and try to deesculate the situation. We were together for four years and married for five years from age 18 to 27. Well I saw them with someone new for the first time. My boyfriend of 9 months was in a 8 year relationship before dating me, he removed most of the pictures of them on Facebook, but his ex has lots of photos on her Facebook of them and he's tagged so it shows in his personal photos, I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed seeing pictures of them on his Facebook, but they were together for many years and If you get another message then call the police and file a report but leave your ex as an ex and move on. He should be able to rely on you so that both of you will enjoy it. Looking back now, I am/was not stable enough to be a parent. She said that she would love to go back to what we had but that she now needed time to be alone. 4) you've even said in your previous posts multiple times she doesn't care about you. I am sure that there are many people on this sub who will resent me, given that I was the dumper in this scenario. Iam INFP and i once read an ENFP saying samething. 5years, we lived together, had a dog together, and had a great relationship. Your mind will naturally show you the happiest times. Thanks to her sister-in-law (I messaged her sis-in-law about this, apparently she commended my honesty) we got to talk on FB and during our conversation, she refers to him as "boyfriend". true. If she's told you then that's a plus, just talk to her and ask what's going on. I (21m) had a recent breakup with my girlfriend (23f). AITA because I told my ex-husband's son the truth about why we divorced and how he came to be. I tried to anticipate the challenges Caleb would face as he started college, but I wasn't expecting him to change. Just found out my ex girlfriend has a new guy, what's. At this point I am fucking furious and I can’t believe what the fuck just happened. He was physically abusive, which I only combatted with emotional abuse to regain any kind of control in my life that I could. This is irrelevant though because I am not a mother. My ex girlfriend that I dated for almost 2 years texted me that she got a new boyfriend. Honestly, you aren’t going to be able to get her back. I love my new girlfriend, she is amazing and funny, we clicked immediately, on top of that, we actually have interesting conversations about real world topics and problems, but she is also so funny shes is so pretty too I love how naturally photogenic she is and on top of that she wants to be in better shape and look fit not just thin like a model, which I love about her bettering herself But my friends noticed it too. He continued to humiliate me by saying next time So my ex girlfriend got a new boyfriend. She's being open with inviting him to things where you'll be, so it's obvious he knows you guys are together. Went to her cousin he found her someone new in 2 months and they started dating. When I talk about her I say “my high school girlfriend” or “girlfriend from high school. For context, when we had gotten together, it was a few months after her ex had broken up with her. Take it from me. If he were more attracted to her than you, he would be with her. It's a testament to her maturity that she can get along and still be personable with an ex, and isn't one of those girls whose all about drama and never speaking to the person again. Ex gf already has a new boyfriend 5 months after the break up. To those of you who’ve watched Bojack I was very much Diane, seeing my ex hold someone else so dearly. Say their name and watch his/her face flash before your mind's eye. She’s (29F) literally in love with this new guy and he loves her too. [new] I (F27) dated my ex (M32) for around three and a half years. I had wanted to leave for a long time so I was ready to get back out and start dating. Also, I do NOT still love my ex and I am not sad that he is with someone else, but rather, hurt by his actions. Maybe eventually you guys can be friends, but focus on YOU for now. Just how easily replaceable I was. If you step in or the already involved parties continue this feud, the only thing you will get is a physical altercation with injuries, charges and even more bad blood. 16 votes, 44 comments. My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 years and hasn't spoken to his ex in 3 years. Go ahead. I ran into my ex boyfriend this weekend at the grocery store shopping for playoff football food. cozykitty97. It's not as if she's moved into a relationship that's looking rosey, that relationship will crash and burn in ways your relationship with her couldn't. Go out, talk to new people, etc. Ex-fiancé is dating someone new after 6 weeks. He was polite and straight to the point they were together. Don't try to erase those from your memory. My (31F) ex-fiancé (27m) is already dating someone new. First time ever posting here, don’t know where else to get advice, please be patient with me. When i found out that my ex is ready talking to someone else (the new person sent her flowers as she tagged her and they already have an endearment), it was like only a week since the split, although we had a closure i was so stupid that i let my impulses take a toll on me, i messaged her new fling told her to respect our It made me very sad to think how she has now just basically replaced me when I am still having trouble getting past it after half a year when we had been together for over two years. We were friendly, but nowhere near the stay-up-all-night-talking that Be the better person and focus on yourself. If you’ve had an ex partner move on really Bro dont worry my ex did the same dumped me a week before my first finals for my masters classes was in absolute turmoil. Also judging as to how you refer to her as a hoe, you two aren't meant to be together. I'm torn up and hurting although don't wish to get back with her just a ADMIN MOD. Again, I am not mad at her, and it is no ones fault but my own that I am still having trouble with processing it. I was tan, fresh haircut and wearing a low cut top. They say the hardest hurdles to pass after a breakup are: Seeing them for the first time after a breakup. (She also cheated on seeing my ex with her new partner. We were together for 2. They obviously didnt care enough for you and will not grow. [new] Hi Reddit. Of course I cannot know what's going on behind closed doors, but they do things for them they never did for me - proudly show them off on social media, go on expensive vacations, move in with them, meet their parents etc. Found out girlfriend has a new boyfriend. Yes people are capable of change, and you shouldn't judge someone based of their past. 5) you got back with her and then you walked in on her cheating on you with Tom. My ex went into a rebound and it honestly sounds like your ex is too. First of all, a massive thank you to everyone who commented. There are many reasons why relationships fall apart, but I do treasure the good memories I got from those relationships. • 3 yr. In terms of getting back into the dating scene, the book Models by Mark Manson is amazing. Girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend has her nudes. But my gf is the complete opposite. Seeing them with someone new. ” My wife doesn’t even consider her my ex. We NFs can often not forget like most people can just erase. You should become her friend and make her see that you changed. I was broken up with over summer, with the first girl I've ever really cared about. Edit: Also wanted to say that everyone has different deal-breakers though and if this is one of his then you have to decide if giving up these friends would be a deal-breaker for you. Help. She told me she had never done and would never do something like that. She will get feelings for you and possibly leave her current boyfriend. We talked 3x since we broke. Dumped her on the spot when I found out. He hasn't even seen her in 5-6 years. This is my first ever post on Reddit, but I'm a longtime reader of relationship_advice. . She constantly wants to hang out with him, but many times he declines. 3somethrowaway994. Just don't respond. Six months ago, under some bad advice by a family friend, I gave him an ultimatum that resulted in us breaking up. But I'd suggest blocking/unfriending and moving on with your life. I broke up with him at the start of 2021 - the reasons for my decision are complicated, but it was never because I thought he was a bad person or My longtime friend (went to school together for 13 years) and ex-girlfriend (dated for 8 months) starts chemo Monday for stage 2 ovarian cancer. But I just had to tell someone. She’d say something like “the girl he dated in high school. I (F27) dated my ex (M32) for around three and a half years. Even last night, I thought about him with his new girlfriend. I found my ex is dating someone we broke up in 2012 I found out she been in a relationship for two years she said we can’t be friends because of our past I don’t care plenty of fish in the sea. Posted by u/RogueParker - No votes and 4 comments Two days ago i got the news that my ex has a new boyfriend. Saw my ex with another guy tonight; never felt this hurt before. The best thing you can do is give yourself some time to actively avoid thinking about her, cut off communication, facebook, etc. r/AskMen. Just focus on self improvement and find ways to keep yourself busy. She ended up dating my doppelgänger and I kinda laughed it off. I 45 F used to be married to D for 6 M. Accept it and move on. . But that would also explain why she kept my ex even though he lied to her. Even if the relationship had been dying for a while and you were truly done with them by But now she has a boyfriend for a few months already. a lot. A month after our split, he lost his job as a police officer You are a placeholder. Even the the day before we had spent time together. Also, my ex hid his new girl from me for months. She was my best friend. 5. If the relationship with the ex's are respectful friendships then it shouldn't be a problem. Go exercise, go hangout with friends, learn something new, make some food, clean up the house, do some self maintenance, etc. I’m dating someone new but still think about my ex. Couldn't sleep as i woke up crying, here to mostly just vent and get a little feedback on my whole situation. Girlfriend of 3. Their relationship was mostly fine but she couldn't support him in the way he needed (emotionally) and usually brushed everything off. After we broke up, he got a new girlfriend shortly after. We have not been intimate since but still sleep in the same bed. I still continue to love him with all my soul, heart, mind and every ounce of my body. Picture your ex. The hardest thing has been forgiving myself because I know that my actions directly caused an amazing person to walk out of my life. We ended because he got a new job as a football coach/teacher and was working 15 hour days and couldn’t give me what I deserved. Oh yeah I don’t want her to cheat on him with me, I told her based on other stuff she’s told me that she doesn’t seem invested and he’s actually told her he’s on the fence as well my ex girlfriend of a year and a half was my everything all i’ve ever wanted put into one person every memory i have with her is so pure and special i was always smiling and at my happiest when with her no matter what it was if it was just eating walking at night not speaking enjoying the silence or cuddling watching a film, but it all came to a end on the 20th of august this past month has ADMIN MOD. I just need to vent, because I have no idea how to feel so I hope this post is okay. For some of you and maybe even most of you you may have found out that your ex is seeing / sleeping with someone new. If anything, I liked it, found it kind of cute. I (23F) and My boyfriend (25M) have been dating for about 5 months now. But now she has a boyfriend for a few months already. We were talking about getting engaged and married soon. If she loved you, there is a chance of that feeling waking up. I dated my ex for 3. Trust me, it won’t be the last time you love someone, it just takes time. They’re seeing someone else right after the break up and you hate it. I (28M) literally havn’t been able to sleep bc of this. Ongoing support for break ups. So, I reached out to him and asked him to send me the belongings I left at his place before we broke up (we were in a long-distance relationship). 2 ish months after we broke up he got a new gf. She slept with my best friend's (guy friend) roommate while I was at work. ago. AITAH for telling my ex boyfriend’s brother that my ex and his mom hate his new girlfriend because she has lupus? My ex boyfriend (Brent) and I have been broken up for about 4 months. And I think about that often. He tells me how my boyfriend and himself workout in the same gym and that he had seen him naked taking a shower. This isn’t so much a “fear” of missing out so much as resentment that you aren’t invited to be part of your ex’s life experiences anymore. Last night I went to drop off my girlfriend dog. Especially during a breakup. That felt I know of course, it doesn't concern me, she did nothing wrong, and our relationship has nothing to do with her past, especially because I know that she has just feelings for me. Focus on what you have with your girlfriend and go from there. I feel upset about my boyfriend being friends with his ex girlfriend. Now I don't really care what she is doing. My boyfriend still has photos with her and some of her nudes as well. It does depend on the rest of the message, but just from what you've said here, it certainly sounds like she at least partially knows about the situation. Nothing will push her out of your mind faster than having a new crush. Her Instagram profile seems that way. After a couple of days I realized it might be because her ex is black. 3. Award. He is a diagnosed narcissist and a textbook psycho. Mine blocked me and it drove me insane. 7. Trust me when I say that you are on the brighter side of this breakup. If your ex moved on fast, it isn't personal. No. When I found out, I figured he has an abiding attraction to my look. Learn to accept that you cannot mold people around you to fall into your favor. 6) she then got a shampoo you were allergic too and refused to throw it away despite it causing severe reactions for you. You're doing the right thing by breaking off contact with her. I gotta tell ya, your ex makes me a little uncomfortable because of how he treated you in the past. I didn't really think about it much, since he's my ex. You should also try and get the reddit admins the give you any information they can on his account. I can go on forever. Maybe her first love I don't know but no matter what, they had a connection and now only half of that exists. pissedupparrot. Her friend died. EDIT: Realized I sounded a bit harsh there. Right at the beginning of the relationship I told my girlfriend that I thought sending nudes was stupid and honestly kinda dangerous, and she agreed 100%. I first rejected that idea, as I would definitely say that I am not a racist. A sense of missing out. I have the same problem with my girlfriend. 2. It does hurt a little bit but he was right when he said “You deserve better than me” the night he left. I met my boyfriend in college when I was 19 years old. I broke up with my ex because the relationship was toxic (from both ends) over a year and a half ago. I posted a picture of a friend and I on a girls weekend out. He kept proving to me that it‘s over and he only wants to be with me. Sorry about that. I was so sad for him, he was shocked. tossaway12. 1. It will pass. I've been single 6 months, 0 female interest and no direction for me but my ex has just found a new guy. Come to find out she had her boyfriend at the house hiding in a room. I also have the feeling that my ex's new girlfriend has self-esteem problems and lacks self-confidence. I know the breakup is for the best, and I don’t want him back, but I am absolutely heartbroken by the speed at which he’s moved on and forgotten me. We had been married a little over a year when she contacted him the first time. RareWolf34. Now that I think about it, all my exes have had at least one gf who looked like me -- before and/or after our relationship. If they moved on right after the breakup, regardless of who dumped whom, regardless of whether its been a few weeks or a few days, it hurts— at least a little. I broke up in jealous when he claimed he first loved my best friend. Our relationship was officially 2 months but we had been pretty intimate for more like 6. Like I said before I didn’t call out, text, or follow her. I was dumped btw. Guys from my past seem to treat their next gfs generally better than they treated me. Over the year and a half him and I have been dating, he has accidentally called me S name numerous times, drunkenly admitted she’s “the one that got away”, told me the love he had for S never compared to how he felt for K (even though they spent 4 years together) one time I accidentally saw texts between him and K and K was complaining A lot of men pressure themselves by thinking it must be very special for their SO even so they have no experience. She's out of your life. He couldn’t do that for me but I’m glad he can for her. It still hurt, but I reminded myself that I have learned and grown so much these last few months. I suggest block em off social media but do whatever with the number. Ex-Husband has a new girlfriend. My guess is that it's a coincidence. That was 18 months ago now, I haven’t… My(27M) fiancée’s(28F) ex boyfriend sent me some videos of them together, I’m struggling with being now extremely insecure and wanting to support my girlfriend through this I’ve been with my girlfriend for a little over 3 and a half years. Sue him. I don't mean that in a bad way. I understand why you're dodgy about this. The breakup was in our junior year of high-school and was a little too clean in the sense that we really didn’t talk much after. ” I still love my ex whom i met first 16 years back and last 10 years. It makes me happy. Thats normal They were in a new relationship so soon they didn't have time to reflect on what happened and who they are alone. Well someone just told me he has a new girlfriend and they are only a few months in. Maybe it’s only been a couple of days, weeks or months after the break up. They tell the victim of all the wrongs that have been done to them by their cheating, money-hungry exs. Fast forward some years and we both ended up single and I asked her out. Ex Girlfriend contacted me to say that she got a new boyfriend. They might not be able to without a warrant, that's okay. I was with my ex girlfriend for 8 years, we got together when we were 13 until we were 21 and it’s now 3 years later. They started seeing eachother about one I (26F) broke up with my boyfriend (27M) years ago. ADMIN MOD. He kept dodging giving me my stuff back everytime I asked. Me & my boyfriend have only been dating for 2,5 months, but his ex FWB has been a problem since before we started dating. UPDATE: My (F27) boyfriend (M29) has a problem with me visiting my ex-boyfriend (M28) and won't admit it. Three weeks later she had a new boyfriend. I was the first relationship after that. "Just because you moved on, doesn't mean the remorse or jvictoria0107. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Take out the ex boyfriend part and you are left with the friend. Today she reached out (via message) just to tell me that she is in a new relationship. It took me a long time to realize it had everything to do with him and nothing to do with me. I broke up with him at the start of 2021 - the reasons for my decision are complicated, but it was never because I thought he was a Same here. Don't put too much stock in it. My ex-boyfriend is a douche, and I'd rather have my period every day for the rest of my life than be with him, AND I have an awesome boyfriend now, but when I think about my ex's new girlfriend ugh. Context: My ex-gf broke up with me in June. My (F27) ex-boyfriend (M32) and his new girlfriend asked me for a threesome. Girlfriend's past trauma with ex has seriously affected relationship. stephiem. Basically the title says it. Mar 5, 2018 · Hi Zan, I really your advice and some positive outlook on my case. We dated for almost a year and it was a long distance one (met over discord) and we broke up 1 year and 9 months ago. They can't survive by themselves. During these two months, it seems like he has started dating someone new, which I recently discovered by chance when I saw pictures of them together on the girl's Instagram. Most of the time I’m in the living room of the house with My ex (23M) and I (23F) were together for a year and a half. He still has all my stuff too. I was glad we were on the same page. the title says. Me and my ex met up and talked about one month ago, and I told her that I wanted to get back together. He repeated trauma from my childhood and was extremely mentally abusive. The more you do that, the more you will fixate on them and keep them going in your head. It was a "mutual" breakup, she wanted to breakup and I didn't want to but couldn't really do anything about it. If you two get back together, it'll be a really toxic relationship because you'll be tormented by the thoughts of her sleeping with other people. She was acting very distant and almost hateful to me. I was NC since September and she was always trying to contact me somehow (liking and commenting on my stories). We been broken up for 2 years now. It’s a major blow to your But now she has a boyfriend for a few months already. He obviously is in love with you and attracted to you, not her. 5 years, broke up, briefly rekindled our romance a year later before breaking up again. As someone who semi regularly sees her ex boyfriends, I say you shouldn't be worried. Everyone is able to know. I noticed a surprising change in Caleb when I first visited him at college or if you think you won't be able to balance such a task, wait a few months or longer until you have more of a clear and stable mindset to focus on a new relationship. Okay to start Lilly had just stormed out of my apartment at this point when I called her out that she wouldn’t be fucking okay with me meeting with my ex cause they needed someone to “lean” on. I've found that usually it takes me about three months plus an extra month for every year you were in a relationship, to get over someone, and my friends tend to have this pattern too. Assuming he's capable of cheating on someone he was in love with, what makes you think you are any different. Then when you're stable, meet new people. A good point to start would be to assure him, that you won't judge in any way and guide him a bit as you are the one with experience. I've been complimented many times in life on my conversational skills. I went through hell in my last relationship and I experienced a lot of trauma from him. Feb 20, 2024 · But, in some cases, feeling hurt over seeing your ex with someone new could indicate that you still need a little more time to fully heal. Whenever someone is pointing to obscure changes like this, there's a good chance it's totally in their head. Google the 'Non-emergency' number where you live and ask them what to do. turtleblossom. It was a nice, healthy, loving relationship. Yup. He’s way more well off and ripped. I’m 45M and still share a bed and room with my ex 43F she has a long distance relationship with her new boyfriend. I went on facebook to block her so I didn't see any future couples pictures and in a twist, facebook suggested that I might know her new boyfriend and his profile picture My narcissistic ex has a new girlfriend. My husband has an ex-girlfriend who keeps popping up every 5-7 years or so. Apparently she has basically the same personality as me except with more interests in common with him, and she's fucking gorgeous and thin and I hide from my ex because he was a psychopathic sociopath who would stalk me*, or his other ex girlfriends,* to the point of me nearly having a nervous breakdown (which one actually did, that I know of). Obviously it hurts knowing she is moving on with someone else after all the promises she made and told me i was the one and she never wanted someone else. Yesterday, she reached out to me, and I'm absolutely fuming with rage over what I found out. Even our demeanor is similar. Posted on whatsapp status, facebook. Kicked her out, and kept almost all of our 'shared' stuff like the dog. This is the worst feeling I have had since the abortion. This should be your #1 priority if you want to stop the spread. I (25F) deeply regret breaking up with my (26M) boyfriend of five years. Honestly is the most important key to a successful relationship. I went out with my “high school sweetheart” FOUR YEARS and we don’t consider each other an ex. Not OP, but in my experience, I miss the good memories of my ex-boyfriends. Over the 2 and a half years we dated, we broke ADMIN MOD. So i started dating this wonderful girl in the last few weeks of my senior year of high school, she was a year younger than me. I think what’s interesting is I wouldn’t even say I know any of my ex-boyfriends anymore. Ignore them as it just shows their immaturity and learn to grow. I was humiliated instantly as my boyfriend is not nearly the size of my ex down stairs. Then came last week when she answered one of my emails and told me about that she is already engaged. We had an amazing relationship and he was the most handsome, loving, and caring person. Hit the gym, and hit on some girls. Although 9 months is a chunk of your time, if you feel you can't trust him after this maybe it's for the best. My boyfriend of almost a year just found out last week his ex girlfriend had committed suicide. It's normal to feel upset, but the fact of the matter is, he's been with you for the last two years, not her. No idea what the exes doing. We got together after the 1 year anniversary of his death. She wanted to let me know because she knew hearing from the grapevine might hurt me. Time changes people- whether they like it or not. They dated in high school and at the beginning of college. I don’t think she has told him that we still sleep in the same bed. He has been stalking me for years following the break up, and has threatened me repeatedly with So my ex girlfriend has a new boyfriend. Being friends with exes is usually damaging btw. I read articles where it's possible to return ex-girlfriend even from the new boyfriend. We dated for about 6 years until he turned into a judge mental asshole who degraded women for things about their weight or the amount of money they make. If it does get too much, explain to her that its having such an impact on you to hear her love for an ex Before my now ex and I got together, we flirted and I thought she was very very sexy, but she was off limits due to being friends with my girlfriend at the time. I have been supportive, but he’s now posting pictures and messages as if they were together and it’s really starting to hurt for me to stay supportive. Let her grieve and support her. ci mb jr oa ga ap rn xi kb gh